School System Says No Changes Made To Current Mask Policy Despite KDE's New Recommendations9/2/2020 Darren Doyle, story: Superintendent of Edmonson County Schools Brian Alexander released the following statement to the Edmonson Voice regarding the Kentucky Department of Education's recent released statement concerning new masking regulations for schools: RESPONSE TO HEALTH AT SCHOOL CHANGES ANNOUNCED ON AUGUST 31, 2020 On August 31, 2020, the Kentucky Department of Education released the following statement: "The use of cloth face coverings (masks) should be required by all students and staff at all times while in the building or on the bus, unless medically waived. Students and staff should only lower their masks while actively eating or drinking. This change is reflected on pages 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 of the Healthy at School document." In response to the changes to the “Healthy at School” document, first issued on June 25, 2020, Edmonson County Schools at this time will make no changes to our reopening plan in terms of masking. Our plan, based on the June 25 version of "Healthy at School", is to mask when moving, for students and staff, and to be able to remove masks when at desks in the classroom and when maintaining a 6 foot social distance. Preschool and Kindergarten students will continue to be mask-free at this time. We will monitor this situation concerning masking, as well as any other situations that arise, between now and September 28th. If the school district finds it necessary to change our reopening plan, we will do so before our in-person start date of Sept 28th and give families ample time to consider how any changes in our plan, related to masking or other significant issues, that would affect their decision for their child to be in-person or to work virtually from home. The employees of Edmonson County Schools have worked diligently for months to develop a reopening plan that represents the wants and wishes of our families while working within state guidelines. To have a major component that guided the decision of Edmonson County’s families altered before we even have an opportunity to implement our reopening plan by state officials is disappointing to say the least. Simply put, we are announcing no changes to our reopening plan at this time. I believe in Edmonson County and I believe, working together, our Board, our schools and our families will do what is appropriate and safe for the students of Edmonson County. We hope that you will be patient as we all monitor the situation going forward. --Brian Alexander Superintendent of Edmonson County Schools 100 Wildcat Way Brownsville, KY 42210 270-597-2101 270-597-2103 FAX
February 2025