Edmonson District Court was held on Tuesday, September 19, 2017. The Honorable Joseph B. Hines, presiding. Zachary D. Hogan, Robbery-first degree. Pleaded not guilty. No contact with victim, no entry upon premises of Minit Mart. Preliminary hearing, 9/26/17. Haley Gertiser, Robbery-first degree. Pleaded not guilty. No contact with victim, no entry upon premises of Minit Mart. Preliminary hearing, 9/26/17. Jermey Michael Burns, Assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 10/17/17.
Jamie D. Henderson, Public intoxication controlled substance, excludes alcohol. First degree possession of controlled substance-first offense. Wanton endangerment-first degree-police officer. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess. Pleaded not guilty to all charges. Preliminary hearing 9/26/17. Jeffery Scott Graham, Trafficking first degree, first offense-meth. Cultivate in marijuana-less than 5 plants-first offense. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess. Possession of marijuana. Terroristic threatening-third degree. Pleaded not guilty to all charges. Preliminary hearing 9/26/17. Barry Scott Rutherford, First degree possession of controlled substance/heroin-first offense. Wanton endangerment-first degree-police officer. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess. Pleaded not guilty to all charges. Preliminary hearing 9/26/17. William Wilson, Local county ordinance. Pleaded not guilty. Transferred to division II. Pretrial conference 10/24/17. Robert L. Gregory, Improper start from parked position. Pleaded guilty. No/expired KY registration receipt. Dismissed. Total fines and costs $243. Steven Chase Hogan, Failure to comply with sex offender registry-first offense. Operating on suspended/revoked operator's license. No/expired registration plates. No/expired KY registration receipt. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security. Pleaded not guilty to all charges. Preliminary hearing 10/3/17. Kristi Lee Minor, Assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 10/17/17. Joseph Leonard Simon, Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs-aggravator-first offense. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess. Possess open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle. Pleaded not guilty to all charges. Pretrial conference 11/14/17. *Comments without a first and last name and an email address are not published. All comments are subject for review and must adhere to the Edmonson Voice commenting policy which is posted on this site. Comments are closed.
January 2025