Moriah Peterson, story:
One of two annual night meetings for Fiscal Court was held on July 8, 2019 in the upstairs court room. In New Business, the Court also approved the 2019 ACAB Spay/Neuter grant application and also approved to administer the grant vouchers out of the Judge Executive’s Office. The County is contributing $1500 and the City of Brownsville is contributing $500 towards the Spay/ Neuter Grant. The ACAB Spay/Neuter will match the $2000 for a total of $4000 to be used for Spay/Neuter Vouchers that will be given out on a first come first serve basis out of Judge Executive Office. Cat vouchers will be for $40, and dog vouchers will be $50. Residents will be responsible to pay the difference which will be from $5 to $30 depending on the animal being altered. The vouchers will be valid at Thomas & England Vet Clinic in Smiths Grove. The vouchers are valid for 60 days. The Judge’s office will let the public know when vouchers are available for pick up. Also in New Business, the approved the following:
Road Report- County Road Foreman Greg Carroll reported that he had turned in $50,000 of FEMA money and that all discretionary fund work has been completed on Oak Hill Rd. He also reported multiple vehicle repairs that have been completed or are in the process of being repaired--which will include repairs due to a recent employee accident. Mowing is currently being done in District three. Sheriff Report- Sheriff Shane Doyle reported that Deputy Wally Ritter is currently enrolled in the Firearms Instructor program in Richmond KY due to Deputy Stoney obtaining a job in Warren County. Doyle also reported an arrest near the lake that included drug charges. Doyle also reported that deputy Skaggs hit a deer which totaled his patrol truck and that there are two options which include: the department buying back the truck and paying for the repairs for a rebuilt vehicle, or receiving the pay off and getting a new vehicle. Sheriff Doyle voiced his concern with the truck having a rebuilt title and stated the vehicle would no longer have a warranty and if someone was injured in or by the vehicle it could cause issues for the department. Doyle concluded his report by asking Fiscal Court to consider assigning Animal Control to respond to the animal abuse/neglect calls that are called into dispatch. Sheriff Doyle said that in most cases when a Deputy is called out, no laws are being broken and that there isn’t anything that law enforcement can do. Allowing animal control to respond to these calls first would free up Deputy’s being able to respond to other calls more quickly. Doyle stated that if Animal Control felt that a Deputy was needed then at that point a Deputy would respond. Jailer Report- Deputy Jailer Todd Vincent reported 23 inmates at Hart County Jail and 1 one home incarceration. County Clerk- County Clerk Kevin Alexander reported that the state is implementing a new system for boats that will begin on Monday. All Kentucky County clerk offices will be closed to the public on Saturday July 13th in preparation for the new system. Alexander reported that the first few weeks of the new system could have some hiccups. Parks & Rec Report- Edmonson County Parks & Rec Program Director John Kiernan reported that Freedom Fest was a huge success this year. The department profited $2865.00 from the concessions and donations during Freedom Fest. Kiernan stated that Parks & Rec couldn’t do what they do without the support of local business and residents. He also announced that two All-star baseball teams will be competing for state titles and soccer will begin in August. Tourism Report- Chamber and Tourism Director Rhonda Clemmons reported that there will be a public input reception for Mammoth Cave National Park at the Edmonson County library on July 18th from 4-6 pm. The Friends of Nolin Lake Family Fest will be on Saturday July 20th at Moutardier from 11-2pm and will included free food, music and inflatables. The Parks and Rec Bluegrass Jam will be held on July 22nd from 6:30-9pm at the Community Center. She also reported that recruitment for volunteers for the Edmonson County booth at the State Fair has begun. The State Fair is set for August 15th-25th. In closed session, the Court discussed the possible acquisition of a piece of property. In regular session, District 4 Magistrate Edd Rich made a motion for Judge Executive Wil Cannon to view the property and that he felt the property would meet the county's needs to move forward with the next step to acquire the property. The court agreed on that motion. Update 7/09/19: an earlier version of this article incorrectly stated the magistrates approved the purchase of a dog control vehicle; however, a motion was made but no second was received on the motion, therefore the motion died. We apologize for the error.
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