![]() by Laney Meredith, EdmonsonVoice.com Citizens continued voicing concerns about the Rocky Hill Gas Plant at the Monday, June 8th Fiscal Court meeting. Court officials discussed the possibilities of industrial zoning as many residents are requesting that it should be implemented to prevent negative impact in residential areas. Suggestions included establishing an exact distance between any industrial operation and residential property. Yvonne Campbell, a resident of the area, voiced that she and other residents were “blindsided” several years ago by the sudden operation when the gas plant was first built, and stated that “somebody needs to know” when this type of industrial development occurs. County Attorney, J. B. Hines informed attendees that under any type of county zoning ordinance, that proper notice would always have to be given of anything pertaining to the zoning. He also stated that the county would need to ensure the ability to enforce any ordinance and that a zoning officer would have to be put in place. Magistrate Edd Rich referenced the public meeting held several years ago in Chalybeate when public concern arose when talks began of construction of low income multi-housing units in a residential area. He also pointed out that no one was for zoning at that time. Rich further offered that “no one wants zoning until you are affected by it.” Judge Executive Wil Canon added that neither he, nor the vast majority of the county want a large factory to come into a residential area. The zoning discussion concluded with plans to set up a research committee. Fiscal Court Meetings At Night: Court also discussed having Fiscal Court meeting at night. Many citizens have complained that they would like to attend meetings, but can’t because of work schedules. Most magistrates said they prefer the time of meeting to stay the same, while Johnny Brooks stated “Morning meetings work well, but night or day wouldn’t matter to me, I’ll be here anytime.” Meetings are currently held on the second and fourth Monday each month at 9am. Magistrates Mark Woosley and Clark Wood both have held district meetings in the evenings to allow opportunity for citizens to discuss any concerns they might have had. There was continued discussion by Sheriff Shane Doyle saying “If all magistrates had a set time to meet with people from each district, it would let people express their problems, and maybe without having to change time of meeting.” Edd Rich added, “I’m not for change. We’re here to vote on policy, not to discuss someone’s feelings for someone else.” There was discussion of possible evening public meetings held a few times per year to give something similar to a “State of The County Address,” which several magistrates seemed to be interested in. Martin Pierce Road During the meeting, repair was approved of Martin Pierce Road, a 1.2 mile long road that is shared between Hart and Edmonson Counties. The road goes in and out of both counties several times on the county line. Judge Cannon said the road had been neglected for about 20 years. Hart County has offered to provide the labor for repairing the road if Edmonson County supplies the materials. The court recognized the generous act made by Hart County government and Judge Wil Cannon expressed his gratitude for the labor they will provide, as the majority of the road is in EC. This actually requires Edmonson County to provide all repairs and maintenance. Greg Hudson Resigns The court approved resignation letter of Greg Hudson, Little League Program Director. He will continue his duties until the current baseball/softball season is concluded. Hudson was admitted to the hospital and will undergo surgery for a blocked artery. He was unable to attend Fiscal Court meeting. We’ll have more on this story as the details become available. County Employee Insurance Judge Wil Cannon said that county employees are currently insured under Bluegrass Family Insurance but has recently received information on another insurance company, Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, with a plan that could provide substantial savings to the county. Cannon said that Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield is offering a plan with similar benefits that will be half the price of what insurance is currently costing. Open enrollment date for Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield is set for June 15th. Chalybeate Park Surveying Fiscal Court also approved for Pride Engineering in Glasgow to survey Chalybeate Park for approximately $1500. No recorded survey has been done on the park and recently a neighboring landowner had logging done, raising concerns that some might have been on Chalybeate Park property. A portion of the cost for the survey will be paid by the private landowner bordering the park and has agreed to accept the results from the survey. Court also:
We’ll have the Sheriff’s Report, County Clerk’s Report, and County Attorney’s Report in upcoming pieces.
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