Darren Doyle, Photos by Melissa Newkirk Edmonson Voice Local law enforcement officers from all Edmonson County agencies attended an "Active School Bus Shooter Training" Wednesday in Brownsville. EC School Transportation Director Lanny Deweese says that with 1,230 students on buses each day, he doesn't believe drivers, staff, and law enforcement can ever have too much safety training. "We want to prepare our drivers and officers to the best of our ability if we ever have an active shooter on one of our buses. We want them to be able to follow all the steps necessary to be ready and to help law enforcement," he said. Deweese says he feels like Edmonson County drivers are trained as well or better than anyone in Kentucky. "We go well above what the state requires in order to keep our kids safe," he finished. Captain Brent Brown and Deputy Sheriff Chris Shelton, both of the Warren County Sheriff's Office, led the training, which was a real-life simulation of what could happen with a shooter on board a school bus. Shelton, also part of the US Marshal's Task Force, is a certified firearm and tactic instructor. Captain Brown and Deputy Shelton took each law enforcement officer in attendance through the steps and scenarios of the situation. Officers used simulated firearms and ammunition as they were trained on the correct and proper protocol for handling a school bus shooter. The sheriff's office, Brownsville Police Department, Kentucky State Police, and the US Park Service were all represented. School bus drivers also took part by being passengers on a bus while law enforcement reacted to a simulated active shooter.
Michelle McCoy
9/4/2014 09:43:00 am
Great article!
Jason Webb
9/4/2014 12:46:47 pm
Great article love the ability to watch
Debbie Doyle
9/5/2014 05:28:41 am
Awesome training, awesome news source, so proud to be an Edmonson Countian! Comments are closed.
February 2025