2005 Ford Mustang V6 FOR SALE: Brand new tires, has 148k miles. Rebuilt title. No issues, runs and drives great. CD player, cloth interior, A/C and heat work well. Good car. $5,500. Call or text 270-246-2880.
Make plans to attend the South Edmonson Elementary Fall Festival this Friday! Check out all the info in the submitted flyer below:
In case you missed the signups for the Little Dribblers last Saturday, you still have another opportunity. The Little Dribblers are still accepting sign up forms and all you have to do is download it and contact the number on the form or email a scanned copy to: jason.decker@irco.com . Click on the link below to download the form: ![]()
Click the flyer to view the entire listing and to find out more about consigning your equipment at this huge local auction from Byrd Auction and UC Heartland Realty and Auction.
Designed To Help Families Where Grandparents, Siblings, Others Are Raising Children In Edmonson County Darren Doyle, story:
Edmonson County Family Resources Center along with Community Education and the Edmonson County Health Department will host a first-of-its-kind program designed to help families in unique situations where grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles, etc. are raising children in Edmonson County that are not their own. Children live with another guardian other than their parents for a number of different reasons and this unique situation can often bring extra hardships and challenges for those acting as parents, according to Family Resources Center Coordinator Alicia Edwards "So many are thrown into situations without any help or guidance," she said. "It can be overwhelming in so many ways. This program is to address and educate these new guardians on a wide range of subjects that can give help." Sheriff Shane Doyle said there are dozens of homes in the county where this situation occurs. These examples range anywhere from a 70 year old grandmother raising a 10 year old child to a twenty-something sister raising their young teen brother. "You've got a grandmother here who doesn't own a computer, doesn't know the first thing about social media, and now they're supposed to raise a young grandchild who has a computer assignment at school or wants to use a smart device," he said. "Some of these new guardians don't even know where to begin. You that have already raised children to adulthood, think about doing it all over again, except this time with a completely new generation." Mrs. Edwards said the presentation that is scheduled for October 24, 2017 from 5:30pm-7:00pm at the public library is designed to bring help in several ways, but perhaps the most important aspect is to let new guardians know that many others are also in the same situation. "We want you to know that you're not alone. Sometimes it feels that way to so many and there's just no one to talk to, but that's not the case. We want to show you there is support and help and that there are others you can lean on." Edwards said the program will provide dinner and free child care. She also said your child doesn't have to be of school age and there is also information available to those raising newborns. Social media education, information about the school system, and the collaboration of support will be discussed at the free program. Although not required, Mrs. Edwards said that calling ahead will be helpful in order to have to correct amount of food provided, but all grandparents, relatives, and friends raising someone else's child is welcome to come. Call Mrs. Edwards at the FRC office, 270-597-9866 to reserve your spot. In addition to Mrs. Edwards and the FRC, Lisa Whobrey with Community Education, and Debbie Cain with the Barren River Health District, Meredith West from Lifeskills and Sharon Brooks from the EC 5/6 FRC are also part of the coordination of this free event. Annual Drive Helps Local Volunteers Bring Food and Aid To Needy EC Seniors Moriah Peterson, story and photos: ([email protected]) Saturday wrapped up the annual 10-day food drive for the Edmonson County Senior Food Pantry. All items collected are used throughout the year. All monetary donations that are received are used to purchase any food items needed that weren’t donated along with Ensure, a high protein drink, and the adult briefs that the pantry provides. “Vickie and all the volunteers do an excellent job coordinating and donating their time, said Cee Bee Food Store owner Jeff Rich, who was present at the drive. "Edmonson County always takes of their own and that goes a long way in small community." Drop off locations were placed at both Cee Bee Food Store and the Brownsville Save A Lot.
“Thank you to everyone who donated, and all our volunteers who put in many hours to contribute to our food drive. We also want to thank Cee Bee Food Store and Save A lot for allowing us to set up collection bins” said pantry coordinator Vickie Walker. Edmonson Voice Staff Report: The Edmonson County Cattlemen's Association welcomed KCA President Chuck Crutcher to their meeting this past Thursday evening. Mr. Crutcher spoke to the local group on various aspects about the beef industry in Kentucky. Those attending the meeting enjoyed a homecooked meal, provided by the organization. In addition to welcoming Mr. Crutcher to the meeting, local member Danny Vincent was recognized for completing the KY Master Cattleman's training course. Mr. Daniel Rennakier also completed the course but was unable to attend the meeting.
The group's goal is to be an advocate for beef farmers throughout the area as they promote the beef industry, advertise, lobby, and fight for legislation that helps working farmers here in Edmonson County. The group is always looking to increase membership and announced that it's now time for annual membership dues. They meet on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Edmonson County Public Library. Tips And Advice On Cleaning Flower Beds, Landscaping, and More! ![]() by Beth Cook, Mammoth Cave Transplants: Winter will be here before we know it. Leaves are starting to fall and some of our flowers are becoming a little spent. Now is this time we need to start cleaning up flower beds and trimming or cutting back perennials. You'll want to start by cleaning up dead plants and debris from your gardens. It's very important to remove any plants that had any diseases. They can carry over from one year to the next, like spores that causes blight on tomatoes. Another cleanup that needs to be done is trimming or cutting back perennials and also dividing them. Perennials should be cut to within a half-inch to an inch off the ground, the bed raked of all debris, and then covered with mulch for protection during the winter. If crowding is visible in your perennials, use that old rule-of-thumb: lift and divide. Most gardeners are hesitant to divide because they think “more is better” which is far from the truth. Crowding equates to smaller plants and flowers. On average, it’s best to divide every three years, but for the more rapid growing perennials, it can be done sooner. It's best to be done on a case by case basis when you start noticing a plant's decline. Watch for less blooms and spindly stems. Divide spring-blooming plants such as iris, brunnera, dianthus, lamium, and primrose, and later bloomers like black-eyed susan, geraniums, daylilies, hostas, coneflowers, and yarrows. Tall grasses may also be cut back now or, if you wish and want to provide a habitat and food for wildlife, left until spring; just make sure to cut them back in the spring before any new growth has started, otherwise you’ll be cutting off new green growth in the process and no one want square tips on their grasses. So you better get started! Lot’s of cleanup to do before next spring gets here! Annual Event Looks To Bring Thousands To Courthouse Square Edmonson County Parks & Rec has been busy with all sorts of fun activities all year long, and not just those focusing on little league sports.
Last weekend they hosted a 5K run at Chalybeate Park that brought out a couple dozen runners that was followed up by very successful hayride and movie event. "We saw the biggest crowd yet at our recent movie event," said Greg Hudson, program administrator. "Parks and Rec is all about providing activities for all families. Most people think of sports when we're mentioned, and we certainly put plenty of effort in our little league activities, but we're also working hard to incorporate something for everyone." The annual "Halloween On The Square" is set for Halloween, October 31st, from 4pm to 7pm on the courthouse square. It's pretty simple: all kids are encouraged to show up in their favorite costume and rake in the goodies from the tables and booths that will be set up all along the square. Hudson is also encouraging local businesses and organizations to set up booths and tables to hand out treats to all the trick-or-treaters. Please call Parks and Rec at 270-597-9103 to reserve your business/organization spot for the Halloween event. Local Senior Food Pantry Runs Through This Saturday, Oct 14th ![]() Edmonson Voice Staff Report: The Edmonson County Senior Food Pantry has begun its annual food drive to restock the pantry that provides food and personal products to Edmonson County Seniors, according to pantry coordinator Vickie Walker. The pantry services low income seniors, ages 60 and up, that are Edmonson County residents. The volunteer organization is in need of canned or dry goods, personal hygiene products, and cash donations. The pantry is located inside the Brownsville Community Center and is 100% volunteer organization. All donations go directly to seniors and none of the volunteers are compensated in any form. "All our donations are used to help our needy and hungry seniors and all of it stays inside of Edmonson County," said Walker. "We're not only asking for donations, but also volunteers to help us at our drive locations." Walker said the group will have setups at Cee Bee Food Store, Sav-A-Lot, St. John's Thrift Store, and the food pantry itself. Walker said volunteers can set up their own hours and locations for their donated time. The drive will begin today, October 2nd, and go through Saturday, October 14th. Walker said if no one is present at the food pantry, a box will be available to place product donations. For more information, Vickie Walker can be reached at 270-779-1203. 2007 Dodge Caravan - Wheelchair Handicap Mobility Rear fold out ramp. Automatic, air-conditioning front and rear controlled, Audio includes AM/FM & CD. Power seats, doors and locks. Gray exterior and interior. Tires in good condition. Runs and drives smoothly. 93,200 miles. The vehicle is serviced regularly by Elbert and Molly Johnson. $8,990. Call 270.597.3977.
Edmonson Voice Staff: Third and fourth grade students at South Edmonson took part in a recent art project that began as a Mammoth Cave Art Contest implemented by Mrs. Jessica Doyle, art and music teacher, named "Mammoth Cave: The World Above and Below." Students researched images of Mammoth Cave National Park for inspiration and submitted a sketch of his/her idea for the project. The five winners of the art contest were: Zoey Richmond, Evelyn Ulm, Chloe Whittle, Ellie Claire Spainhoward, and Conner Priddy. These students were given a large 2'x 2' canvas, which they would use to complete their final project using the materials of their choice. "The final artwork submitted was outstanding," said Mrs. Doyle. "This is a very exciting opportunity for our students and I'm so proud of the art that they've created."
The students will represent South Edmonson Elementary School with this artwork as it becomes part of an art display for public viewing at Mammoth Cave National Park from November 18-January 20th. Additionally, this artwork will be become part of the Dream Rocket Project, where thousands of artworks from various regions of the world are being collected. Eventually, all submissions will be connected side by side to wrap the skeleton of a 385’ Space Launch System (SLS) replica and will be placed on temporary exhibit at locations around the United States. Continuing from the efforts and funds already raised at the recent Santa's Secret Hands Golf Scramble, which raised over $7,000, local SSH organizers have announced the 2017 Annual SSH Benefit Auction is set for Saturday, November 4, at the Brownsville Community Center.
This year's event is set to be the largest to date with thousands of dollars of donated products, items, and services ready for auction. All of the proceeds from the annual event, coordinated by Mark Wardlow, is used to purchase Christmas gifts for needy elderly and children in Edmonson County. Last year's event raised over $24K, all of which stayed in the county. The first list of auction items has been announced and can be seen below, but we'll be updating the list as more items continue to be donated. The Edmonson Voice is proud to be a media sponsor of Santa's Secret Hands. ![]() John Bewley Card of Thanks The Bewley family would like to graciously thank everyone for their outpouring of prayers, flowers, food, love and support during this challenging time in our lives. John will be missed by all who knew him but his memory lives on in our hearts. The Bewley family would like to give a special thanks to Brother Steve Doyle for the message, Brother Jerry Patton for the opening prayer, Chalybeate United Baptist Church for the delicious meal that was prepared after the service, Patton Funeral Home, the pallbearers, and everyone that provided food before and after the service. God bless you! --John Allen & Julie Ann Bewley & Family Darren Doyle, story and photos: The annual Edmonson County Chamber of Commerce Golf Scramble was held on Tuesday, October 5, 2017 at Shady Hollow Golf Course in Cub Run where a total of 14 teams competed for over $1000 in cash and prizes. Chamber Director Rhonda Clemmons was very pleased with the turnout of the event. "It's something we enjoy every year," she said. "We use the money raised to go back into the marketing and promotion of our local businesses. It's a great time and everyone enjoys the event. We want to thank J.C. Ramsey and Shady Hollow Golf Club, Rafferty's of Elizabethown, and Servpro for all their help at the event. We also appreciate all our hole sponsors that helped make the event possible." The winning team took home a $500 cash prize and consisted of Greg Nugent, Terry Cornell, Dion Houchins, and Danny Hayes with a score of 18 under par. Second place went to Steve Patton, Steve Jecker, Larry Stewart, and Jacob Schakat with a 16 under par score. Third place winners were Barry Rich, Tommy Webb, Anthony Browning, and Tracy Meredith with a score of 15 under par.
There was also a $10,000 Hole-In-One challenge on hole #8, a par 3, sponsored by Curneal & Hignite Insurance, Bob Kleier agent, but no one was able to take home the jackpot. The Edmonson Voice had a team but let's just say their approach was to have fun and not necessarily focus on winning. Or something like that. Bill and Elaine Meinhardt are celebrating 50 years of marriage on October 6, 2017. The couple was married on October 6, 1967 at the home of Rev. Lowell Davis in Lindseyville.
"It was predicted that it wouldn't last," said Bill Meinhardt, "but here we are, 50 years later." The Meinhardts live in Chalybeate community. ![]() Alford's Pharmacy and Drive Thru is pleased to announce that longtime Brownsville resident Greg Nugent has joined the Alford's Pharmacy Team. Since August, Greg has been out in Alford's Pharmacy's "Pharm Hand" (Toyota Prius) delivering medication during Alford's new delivery hours, Monday through Friday, 2pm to 5pm. The pharmacy offers the service to current patients living in the county at no additional cost. A statement from the pharmacy said, "As an active, lifelong member of our community, Greg has seen the benefits this service has brought to Edmonson County residents. He works closely with the technicians at Alford's Pharmacy to organize deliveries, and also prides himself in being a patient's direct link to the pharmacy." The delivery vehicle was named "Pharm Hand" in a recent contest where Edmonson Voice readers submitted their ideas for the delivery vehicle's name. The winner was John Chidester of Brownsville, and he won a $25 gift card. Other names not picked as winner but received honorable mention were, "Pill Mobile," "Pills on Wheels," "The Pharmacy Phantom," and "The Medicinal Falcon." If you see Greg, be sure to wave and welcome him to the Alford's Pharmacy team! Save The Date! Edmonson Co. Chamber of Commerce Golf Scramble, Thurs. Oct. 5th at Shady Hollow. Go to www.edmonsonchamber.com for info. Registration & hole sponsorship available online or Call 270-597-2222 for details.
Rafferty's will be catering lunch that begins at 12pm with tee off at 1pm. Don't miss it! |
February 2025