On Wednesday, November 26, Sheriff-Elect Shane Doyle received an anonymous tip regarding drug activity coming from a nearby residence. After further investigation, Doyle, Deputy Jordan Jones, BPD Officer Garth Avery, and two KSP troopers responded to 1094 Noah Bledsoe Road in Chalybeate to question the residents. Upon arrival, police say residents Ronnie Lane, 48 and his brother, Scott Lane, 44, both of Bowling Green, attempted to evade the officers and exit the back door of the house. Once police gained entry to the residence, they found that both men had outstanding warrants in Warren, Edmonson, and Green Counties. Police were then given consent to search the premises from the homeowner where they found drugs and drug paraphernalia among the men’s belongings, along with a rifle. Both men were charged with possession of methamphetamine, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. They were both lodged in the Hart County Jail.
Sheriff-Elect Doyle stressed how important it is for citizens to report suspicious activity. "We take each and every tip we receive very seriously," he said. "Anytime you have reason to believe illegal activities are taking place, please call the Edmonson County Sheriff's Department at 270-597-2157." EV Staff No matter how you celebrate, we hope you'll take a moment to reflect on the people and things closest to you. We wish you a safe, happy, and thoughtful Thanksgiving Holiday. Thanks for reading the Edmonson Voice and God Bless.
District Court was held on Tuesday, November 25, 2014. The Honorable Judge Renona Carol Browning presiding. Steven Phelps, Trafficking In a Controlled Substance, 1st degree, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Attorney appointed. Possession of controlled substance, 1st degree, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Trafficking Synthetic Drugs, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Possession of Synthetic Drugs, pleaded not guilty. Preliminary Hearing for 12/2/14. Laura Ellen Westfall, Trafficking in a Controlled Substance, 1st degree, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Attorney appointed. Possession of Controlled Substance 1st degree, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Trafficking Synthetic Drugs 1st Offense, pleaded not guilty. Possission of Synthetic Drugs, pleaded not guilty. Preliminary Hearing for 12/2/14. Elliott T. Skaggs, Burglary, 2nd degree, pleaded not guilty. Theft By Unlawful Taking, pleaded not guilty. Preliminary hearing for 12/2/14. Christopher George Slaughter, Manufacturing Meth, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Tampering with Physical Evidence, pleaded not guilty. Possession of Controlled Substance, 1st degree, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Drug paraphernalia, Buy/Possess, pleaded not guilty. Preliminary hearing for 12/2/14. Randall Scott Decker, Manufacturing Meth, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Tampering with Physical Evidence, pleaded not guilty. Possession of Controlled Substance, 1st degree, 1st offense, pleaded not guilty. Drug paraphernalia, Buy/Possess, pleaded not guilty. Preliminary hearing for 12/2/14. Clifton H. Simmons, No or expired license plate, proof shown, dismissed without prejudice. No Insurance, 1st offense, proof shown, dismissed without prejudice. Operating motor vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol, Refusal to submit breath/blood/urine test. Speeding. Plead guilty. 30 days in jail, suspended for two years on condition no similar offense. License suspended 60 days. Fines and costs, $759. Show Cause hearing set for 11/24/15. Terroristic threatening, plead guilty. 3o days in jail, suspended for two years on condition no similar offense. Amy Leah Pate, Hindering Prosecution or Apprehension, 2nd degree. Plead not guilty. Pre Trial Conference for 1/6/15, 9am. Deborah Davis Stevenson, Harassment, no physical contact. Plead guilty. Costs and fines, $384. Show cause hearing for 1/20/15. Donald York, Operating motor vehicle under influence of drugs or alcohol, careless driving, no rear view mirror, pleaded guilty. 7 days in jail, suspended for 2 years on condition no similar offense. License suspended 60 days. Fines and court costs $728. Show cause hearing for 11/24/15. Aaron Holder, Convicted Felon in Possession of a Firearm. Pleaded not guilty. Preliminary hearing for 12/2/14. Steve Loyd Tood, Theft By Unlawful Taking Under $500. Dismissed without prejudice. Willie Lindsey, Drug paraphernalia, pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference set for 1/6/15. Theft by unlawful taking, pleaded not guilty. Pre trial conference set for 1/6/15. Theft by deception including cold checks, 2 counts. Pleaded not guilty. Pre trial conference for 1/6/15. David L. James, Violation of Kentucky EPO/DVO. Pleaded not guilty. Attorney appointed. Pre trial conference set for 1/6/15. The Edmonson County Fiscal Court met today, November 24, as the calendar year nears the end. Two magistrates, Willie Lindsey and Neil Vincent, will be replaced as the page turns to 2015, with Joe Durbin and Mark Woosley, respectively. The court heard from Ray Page, County Road Foreman, as he reported that tiles and ditches were being cleaned out in District 1 (Buck Simmons), Mowing was near completion in District 6, (Neil Vincent) and gravel was being applied to mailbox areas along the road in District 5, (Johnny Brooks). All services are to be performed in each district as the road crews make their rounds. In old business, the court discussed and approved a resolution that adopted "Kailey Road" into the county road system had done so with an incorrect name of the road. A new resolution with the correct name of "Kailey Court" was adopted. The court agreed to reduce the maximum amount of "comp time" from 240 hours to 120 hours per county employee. Any employee with over 120 hours must use the excess amount before the fiscal year's end in June, 2015. This was due to the possibility of several payouts being required at one time. If several employees required the current maximum payout at one time, the county could face a financial difficulty. The lease agreement between the owner of the Webb-Co Building and the county was worded incorrectly and not signed. After corrections, the court hoped to sign at the next meeting. Approved a resolution that entailed an agreement with the Central KY E-911 Network. Under the current agreement, the county pays approximately $6,000 per month to Windstream for this service. The court reported that the county equipment was out of date, so along with a grant secured from Emergency Management Director Pat Prunty and the new resolution, the county's 911 system operation can be reduced to around $3,000 per month. The court heard the sheriff's report from Wil Cannon. He reported that tax season was in full force with the department collecting and managing tax payments. The office computer system had experienced some problems, but was working. The office hoped to make updates for next year. He also reported Randy Hawks had completed training and was now a fully certified Court Officer. Cannon said Deputy Stoney Phillips had also completed 40 hours of additional training for Kentucky Drug Investigations and that part-time Deputy Jordan Jones would be hired as a full time deputy in January. Cannon reported that the department had already begun the transition of responsibilty from current Sheriff Cannon to Sheriff-Elect Shane Doyle's as Doyle will be sworn in as the new sheriff in January. He said changes were going very smoothly and that the county would basically have a seamless transition from Cannon to Doyle. Cannon also reported that since leaving the Drug Task Force, the department has decided on a retired Kentucky State Trooper that is ready to assume his role as the county's new drug detective in January.
Deputy Wally Ritter gave an activity report of the drug arrests that we reported to you a few days ago as well as reports of stolen items recently reported. We are currently working on more detailed stories from that report. Park Director A.B. Webb reported that 218 kids were signed up to play little league basketball which would start on December 6th. He also said that he'd had some complaints of the bathroom facilities being locked at the outdoor sports complexes. He said that during cold weather, the doors must remain closed and locked to prevent freezing of plumbing. If the parks are reserved during cold months, the park sees that the facilities are open and functioning. Judge Reed commented on a complaint he had heard about the county paying $3,000 to host an upcoming horseshoe tournament at Chalybeate Park. The complaint was an anonymous citizen who was upset that tax dollars were contributing to horse shoe tournaments. Reed explained that it was a national tournament, spotlighting Edmonson County, and that the revenue from the tournament to local businesses would far exceed $3,000. The county also agreed to hire a new road employee as the road department had one retirement and another employee that had passed away. The court then went into closed session for the hiring of a new Road Department Assistant Foreman. (D.Doyle, story and photos) On Friday night, November 21, at approximately 11:00 pm, Edmonson County Sheriff Deputies W. Ritter and J. Jones, along with KSP Trooper C. Newkirk and BP officer N. Dennis responded to 2114 Sunfish-Bee spring Rd to a drug complaint that officer Dennis had received. After arriving on scene and consent to search was given, the remnants of several "one-step" meth labs were found along with numerous items of paraphernalia. Randall Scott Decker, 42, and Chris Slaughter, 44, both of Edmonson County, were arrested and charged with manufacturing methamphetmine, possession of methamphetamine, tampering with physical evidence and possession of drug paraphernalia. Both were lodged in the Hart County Jail.
Edmonson Voice Staff
Police Chief Ricky Sanders and Sheriff-Elect Shane Doyle issued this joint statement: "The fight against illegal drugs is one that all of our local agencies take very seriously. We know that cooperation between our agencies is a key to being successful. We look forward to many years of cooperation and we want all of Edmonson County and Brownsville to know that we will not stop trying to make our community safer for the next generation. Too many times, politics and in-fighting results in strained relationships between jurisdictions, but the safety and security of our residence is more important than politics. We will work together with each other and with the community to be as effective as we can be."
The Sheriff's department also warned parents to be watching for "spice", which is a street name for a designer synthetic drug. It can range from green to brownish, is a leafy consistency, and may have a "potpourri" smell. People have been known to have severe reactions to the drug, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, partial paralysis, and has even hospitalized some. District Court News for Tuesday, November 18th, 2014 The Honorable Renona Carol Browning, presiding. Elliott Ray Payton, Criminal Mischief 3rd Degree, plead Guilty. Sentenced to 3 days in jail, suspended for two years on condition no similar offenses. Court costs and fines, $334. Anthony Tyler Moran, Operating motor vehicle under influence of drugs or alcohol, 1st offense, plead guilty. Sentenced to ten days in jail, suspended for two years on condition no similar offense. 10hrs of community service to be completed by 1/27/15. Driver's license suspended for 30 days. Fines and court costs $728. Show cause hearing scheduled for 12/1/15. James C Whobery, speeding, failure to show insurance. Failed to appear. Notice sent to DOT. Jennifer Dawn Fink, speeding. Fined $143, paid. Mendy McManaway Hayes, speeding, continued to 11/25/14. Garry W Jaggers, Reckless driving, Fined $143, paid. Dakota A Sebourn, speeding, failed to appear, notice sent to DOT. None or expired other state registration receipt or plate, Dismissed without prejudice. Lisa Michelle Elkins, Speeding, fined $143, paid. Cody R Gown, Possession of marijuana, plead guilty. 30 days in jail, suspended 2yrs on condition no similar offense. Possession of drug paraphernalia, plead guilty. 30 days in jail, suspended 2 yrs on condition no similar offense. Rickey H. Jordan, Theft by unlawful taking, plead not guilty. Attorney appointed, pre-trial conference for 12/2/14. Dathon J Martin, Careless driving, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia. Rescheduled for 12/16/14. Shauna F McStoots, No tail lamps, plead not guilty, pre trial conference for 11/25/14. License to be in possession, dismissed without prejudice. Possession of drug paraphernalia, plead guilty. 30 days in jail, suspended for 2 yrs on condition no similar offense. Joshua Holder, Assault 4th degree domestic violence, minor injury, plead not guilty. Possession of marijuana, plead not guilty. Possession of drug paraphernalia, plead not guilty. Pre trial conference for 12/2/14. Clifton Simmons, speeding, no or expired plates, no insurance, operating a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs/alcohol, refusal to submit breath/blood/urine test, terroristic threatening, 3rd degree. Failure to appear, bench warrant issued, $2000 cash bond set. James T Ashley, theft by deception including cold checks, plead not guilty. Pre-trial conference for 12/16/14 Senate Duvall, Assault 2nd degree, plead not guilty. Wanton endangerment, plead not guilty. Preliminary hearing set for 12/2/14. Joseph Senate Duvall Jr, wanton endangerment, plead not guilty. Preliminary hearing set for 12/2/14. Michael Lee Jaggers, Assault 4th degree, domestic violence, minor injury, plead not guilty. Burglary 2nd degree, not guilty. Criminal mischief 3rd degree, plead not guilty. Wanton endangerment, 2nd degree, plead not guilty. Preliminary hearing set for 12/2/14. The Edmonson County Sheriff's Dept is reporting a fire at Nolin Consignment Store. A portion of Highway 728 (Nolin Dam Road) is currently closed as the Lincoln, Brownsville, Kyrock Fire Departments, as well as Emergency Management and local police are on the scene. Currently, there is a detour and there is no estimated time of the road being reopened. Police ask to stay clear of the area unless absolutely necessary. EV Staff Follow Up To Fire:The Nolin Consignment Store Building, owned by Willis Day, was a total loss in the fire earlier today. No injuries were reported and no one was in the building at the time. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined. All of Highway 728 (Nolin Dam Road) is expected to be open soon, but as of press time, a detour in the area was still active.
A local youth was given an amazing opportunity last week when The Dream Factory, an organization that gives children with life-threatening or chronic illnesses and disorders a granted wish. The organization contacted Ashton Hughes, a 5th grader at the EC 5/6 Center, and his family after the group saw some local news coverage about Ashton's situation. The boy suffers from a rare form of Juvenile Arthritis, and has recently struggled with complications from injections that are his only treatment option at this time. Being a huge Alabama football fan, Ashton requested to meet Head Coach Nick Saban of the University of Alabama Football team, and on Friday, November 14, his wish came true. Ashton and his family attended the "Nick at Noon Luncheon" as VIP guests, where Ashton was able to ask Coach Saban a question in front of nearly 300 people. After lunch, Ashton was able to meet Coach Saban, shake his hand, and smile while the coach took photos with him, autographed his jersey, as well as a hat belonging to his younger sister, Abbey. On Saturday, Ashton and his family were given sideline passes for the Alabama vs #1 ranked Mississippi State game where Alabama celebrated the win. Ashton was also able to sit in the Letterman's section at the stadium (former player, VIP-type seating) on the lower level section. There he met two former Alabama football players who played for the legendary Bear Bryant. His family said that the trip was an adventure of a lifetime and was definitely a dream come true for Ashton, who said it was the best experience of his life. "This dream couldn't have come at a better time," said his mother, Leticia. "He is a fighter, and this trip hopefully showed him that dreams do come true and that maybe his dream for a cure can come true, too." Ashton is 10 years old and is the son of Ricky and Leticia Hughes of Edmonson County. Edmonson Voice Staff Photos submitted by the Hughes Family Saturday night while on patrol, Officer Nathan Dennis observed a white Ford Mustang doing donuts in the parking lot of The Riverhill Shopping Center. Officer Dennis stopped the vehicle, driven by Anthony Moran of Brownsville. Moran was cited for driving on a suspended license, reckless driving, and possession of an open alcohol container in a vehicle. After Moran failed field sobriety tests, he was placed under arrest for DUI. Edmonson Voice Staff Last Tuesday night, Brownsville City Police Lieutenant Jeff Jewell made a traffic stop on a speeding vehicle in the parking lot of the Minit Mart. The driver of the vehicle, Cliff Simmons, Brownsville, was suspected to be intoxicated. Lt. Jewell then gave him field sobriety tests, which Simmons failed. Simmons was arrested for DUI as well as several other charges stemming from improper vehicle registration and terroristic threatening. Edmonson Voice Staff After last week's Veteran's Day program at South Edmonson Elementary, where approximately 35 veterans were in attendance, Principal Jamie Woosley, said, “We want to thank all of our veterans and active military personnel who took time out of their day to come to South Edmonson and help us teach our students the importance of Veterans Day. We know how important it is to honor those brave men and women, and we want to teach our students do the same.”
With only ten days until Thanksgiving and 5 weeks away from Christmas, a light snow dusting covered most of Edmonson County with north western portions receiving a bit more. Edmonson County schools opened the doors two hours later this morning as temps were below freezing early, causing slippery spots throughout the county. The TV weathermen were doing their jobs, sending residents in a frenzy yesterday, on the search for bread and milk...Temps are expected to plummet down to the mid teens tonight with frigid wind chills. Darren Doyle, photos
Edmonson County, I thank you for voting on Tuesday. I will take the office of Judge Executive after the new year. Until that time, I will be doing all I can to prepare for the new position and transitioning from the Sheriff’s Office.
Up front, my goal will be to get acclimated with the job and fiscal court. While we are getting use to each other and learning our new jobs we will continue to keep up the services that we now provide. I expect it will take a little while for those of us who are new to get our feet on the ground and then we will begin to venture out some. I use the "crawl, walk, run" principle, and so far it’s always worked out. I also expect the folks who remain in office to welcome us and help us get going. Judge Reed has offered his advise and I will use it often. I have said this before and will say it again. We are getting ready to have the most cooperative local government we have ever had and even though we will face obstacles we will work together to solve the problem. I am excited and looking forward to serving Edmonson County as Judge Executive. Thank you all for your support. It's an honor to still have the opportunity to serve the people of Edmonson County. --Wil Cannon A reader who wished to remain anonymous, emailed the Edmonson Voice today after stopping by to visit local WWII Veteran, Wiley Willis. The reader said he knows Willis and stops in occasionally to visit. "I was on my way to the Veterans Day Program at school, but as I was passing Wiley's house I had to stop. The best way to give honor to a veteran is to shake hands with one and tell them." WW2 Veteran Wiley Willis Willis' uniform with various medals The reader said that Willis shared a couple of different stories with him today, one of which was about a very close call. Willis said that while in Germany, he and a .50 caliber machine gunner were keeping watch over a large field when he noticed three large boards that made up a gate in a fence. He thought to himself, "Man, those would be just right to cover our foxhole." Thinking they were safe from the enemy, he walked 100 yards or so and began to kick at the board (approx. 10 ft tall and several inches thick) that was nailed to the fence. Once he kicked the board off the fence, he motioned for the gunner to come help carry the heavy board back to the foxhole. After they had successfully stolen two of the boards, they returned to get the last one. He said that as they lifted the final board at their hips, the board began to disappear into splinters. Once they realized that machine gun bullets were splintering the board, they both dropped to the ground.
"Germans had been watching us the whole time, you see. There was splinters all the way up to my fingertips. That board saved our lives," said Willis. A German machine gunner was stationed on the other side to protect the woods while Willis and another soldier were stationed in the field. Willis said after they dropped to the ground they decided to forget about the board and crawl back to their original stations. The reader's letter said he missed the Veterans Day Program, but that he felt like he made the right decision. "I saw the best Veterans Day Program I've ever had the opportunity to see. I got choked up a couple of times." Edmonson Voice Staff, photos anonymous Many visitors enjoyed the Veterans Day Program today at South Edmonson Elementary as past and present men and women were honored for their service and sacrifice. Over two dozen veterans attended as current Sheriff Wil Cannon, Retired 1st Sgt, Army Reserves, was featured as the guest speaker. His speech centered around the history of Veterans Day and the legacy of veterans in the ongoing mission to protect America. He spoke how older veterans handed it down to him, how he handed it down to younger soldiers, and how one day they will pass it down to the students. Local Cub Scout Troop 597 Color Guard presented the colors and Girl Scout Troop 313 performed "The Flag Recipe" skit. Several third and fourth grade students assisted with presentation of the event as well. The program ended with students singing the song "Thank You, Soldiers" to all the veterans in attendance. Over two dozen veterans attended the event. Wil Cannon addresses the crowd as Carol Stice, Curriculum Coordinator, looks on. Edmonson Voice Staff
The late Ed Minyard, long time Edmonson County Coroner, was honored today during the Fiscal Court meeting as current Coroner, Michael Alexander presented a plaque to members of the Minyard family. Minyard was a staple among county officials, as he served 35 years as coroner. His unit number, 122, was officially retired by the county as a tribute. "Ed was always great," said Coroner Michael Alexander. "When I got elected, I called Ed. They don't give you lots of schooling on certain things, so when different situations would come about, I'd call Ed. He always give me the best advice, so I want to honor him today." He also said that unit number 122 was passed onto him, but he felt like he was doing Minyard a disservice by using it. "I will not be using that unit number anymore. That number belonged to Ed, and as of today, it's officially retired," he added. Minyard family plaque, presented by the Edmonson County Fiscal Court reads: "Presented to The Family of Ed Minyard #122 In recognition and appreciation for his 35 years of dedicated service, devotion, and commitment as Coroner of Edmonson County Edmonson County Fiscal Court, November 10, 2014" The court also held a moment of silence for long time county road department employee, Graylan Vincent, who passed away this past Saturday. Judge Reed also requested for continued thoughts and prayers for the family. The court also approved a new lease agreement with the former Webb-Co building. The county previously rented a portion of the facility for the Food For Harvest Program, which helps feed elderly citizens of the county. The rent had been $200 per month, but was now under new management. The new management is currently making improvements such as a better entrance, new lighting, better plumbing, and improved bathroom facilities to better serve the program. These improvements raise the cost of operation within the building and the court was asked to increase the rent payment to $275 per month, which was approved. Also agreed to host the National Horseshoe Pitching Pro Tour at Chalybeate Park for an upcoming major event. The tour draws many people to the area during the competition, and several locals participate in the event. The court also approved: Sheriff's excess fees report from October, a governor's management workshop, treasurer's October financial report, fee officials budget, and newly elected officials training for December 10-12. The sheriff's report was given which included the following activity report:
Darren Doyle, Edmonson Voice,
story and photos To the Voters of Edmonson County, I would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere thank you from the bottom of my heart. This election has brought me closer to each of you, and I appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve my county in an even greater capacity. To those that voted for me and helped with my campaign; Thank you for all of your support. The dedication and well-wishes were absolutely vital to my success. I promise that I will work every day to prove to you that you supported the right man for the job. To those of you who voted for another candidate: I will try every day to be what is right for Edmonson County, and hopefully, I can earn your trust. I look forward to working with the newly elected officials, and I look forward to working for all of you. My priorities as your new Sheriff are to provide you with positive, effective law enforcement, increased road patrols, a courteous and professional staff, a continued fight against drugs, and continued cooperation with all of our surrounding agencies. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to serve my county. --Shane Doyle
Many changes are headed to Edmonson County when the calendar flips over to 2015, as several county offices will be led by new faces. The Judge-Executive race, the most watched for many county residents, was won by current sheriff, republican Wil Cannon, defeating his democratic opponent Bobby Thornhill by winning 58% of the vote, compared to Thornhill's 42%. "This is the second election campaign that I've been through. During the first one, I wasn't well known and was working part time while running for Sheriff," said Cannon. He also discussed the difficult parts of being on the campaign trail while working a full-time job. He said he could have taken time away from the sheriff's department to do more campaigning but felt it was more important to do the job he was first elected to do, something he felt that people noticed. Bobby Thornhill said "First of all, congratulations to Wil Cannon, and I wish him well. As for the campaign and election, I feel like I had solid support from the consistent local voters. Once the national races elevated turnout to near 50% it made it difficult for me to overcome." He said he spoke with many residents on the campaign trail who were not just interested, but engaged in the community. He also said that those residents asked good questions about progress and the future, but that it was sometimes discouraging with the conversations that led to the status quo. "It was hard to stay energized with apathy as the prevailing spirit of our county." Thornhill also congratulated other winners. "Congratulations to Joe Durbin, Mark Woosley, Bennie Simmons and Edd Rich. Going forward, I hope Fiscal Court will be open to embracing some new ideas. I truly appreciate everyone who encouraged, supported and voted for me. Thank You!" "Bobby Thornhill called me on election night and congratulated me on the win," Cannon said. "He was very kind, honorable, and professional." Cannon said he's going to build on the same things he always has, and the issues he discussed during the campaign. "We're about to have the most cooperative local government that we've ever had and even though we'll face obstacles, we'll work together to solve the problem. I'm excited and looking forward to serving Edmonson County as Judge Executive." Along with a new Judge-Executive, Edmonson County will also see a new County Attorney, republican J.B. Hines, a new County Clerk, republican Kevin Alexander, two new magistrates with District 2 democrat Joe Durbin and District 6 democrat Mark Woosley, as well as Deputy Shane Doyle (R) taking over as Sheriff. Kevin Alexander is also looking forward to 2015 and beyond. "I'm excited about being the clerk, and the other officials taking office. I know they'll all do a good job," he said. "There are many things in the Clerk's office that have run smoothly over the years, but there are things we're going to improve." One of Alexander's first goals is to equip the Clerk's office with the capability to receive credit and debit card payments. "That's something that needs to be done right off the bat," he said. He also expressed his thoughts on a cooperative government in all offices. "These are people that care about their respective positions and even though we may not always see eye-to-eye on every issue, there's no doubt we'll always be able to work together for the good of the county. The last thing Edmonson County needs is division among our leadership." He also said that the Clerk's office will run in a way that he feels people will be pleased with. "It will be open when people need it to be open, and it will be run in a very respectful, courteous, and professional manner." Shane Doyle is looking to put his past law enforcement experience to work as the next sheriff. "I’m very excited to be the next Sheriff of Edmonson County. I’ve said before that I’ll be inheriting the best department as any sheriff in our history. This department is the most highly trained, educated, and skilled department we’ve ever had. It’s truly an honor." He said the campaign process was difficult, but rewarding. " I made many new friends during the campaign, and it just reiterated how important it is for me to do a good job as your sheriff when I realized what a wonderful group of people had entrusted me with their safety and security." His plans for the department will be to continue the improvements that have been made over the last three to four years. Greater access to the department, courteous and professional staff members, and cooperation with all other offices and agencies. "I'm honored to be a part of the great group of people that have been elected." Darren Doyle, Edmonson Voice The Bowling Green Police Department is investigating a deadly road rage incident. On Sunday, November 2nd, just after 5:00 PM, police received a call of an assault in the parking lot of Minit Mart on Scotty’s Way. When police arrived they were directed to a man lying unconscious in the parking lot. The man was identified as Carlos R. Lee, 46, of Bowling Green. Lee was flown to a trauma center in Nashville where he succumbed to his injuries on Monday, November 3rd.
A man told police he was driving a southbound on Louisville Road behind a slow moving vehicle. He noticed the vehicle behind him was tailgating and the driver was becoming agitated likely due to the continual speeding up and slowing down of the vehicle in front of him. He said when they reached the traffic light at Glasgow Road and Louisville Road, Lee pulled next to him and began yelling and cussing at him. Lee told him to pull over and meet him in the parking lot of Minit Mart. The two men drove into the parking lot, exited their cars and an argument ensued. The man told police as he was trying to leave Lee pushed him and he felt his life was in danger. The man told police he punched Lee in the face once knocking him unconscious. Lee fell and hit his head on the concrete. An independent witness at the scene corroborated the man’s statement. The case remains under investigation. Police ask if anyone witnessed this incident please call the Bowling Green Police Department at 270-393-4000. County residents waited for two hours after the closing of the polls today due to an exceedingly high number of discredited write-in votes, over 800. The Clerk's office said that there were many uncontested races, however, there was a spot on the ballot in each race for "write-in." The law says unless a write-in vote is for a candidate that has filed as such, the vote doesn't count. Apparently, there were many votes for people like "Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Uncle Si, and Kanye West". Unfortunately, none of those names had filed as write-in candidates, voiding those votes. As far as the local elections tallied up, there were races that were fairly close, while others saw very large margins. Overall, voter turnout was around average for local races. Unofficial local totals were: County Judge Executive Wil Cannon (R) 2,468 58.10% Bobby Thornhill (D) 1,780 41.90% County Attorney J.B. Hines (R) unopposed 3,315 100% County Clerk Kevin Alexander (R) unopposed 3,454 100% Sheriff Shane Doyle (R) 3,220 78.69% Billy Joe Basham (D) 872 21.31% District 19 State Representative Michael Lee Meredith 3259 78.3% John Wayne Smith 904 21.7% United States Senator Mitch McConnell (R) 2731 64.5% Alison Grimes (D) 1370 32.4% D. Patterson (L) 130 3.1% United States Congress Brett Guthrie (R) 3261 79.45% Ron Leach (D) 843 20.55% Jailer Hank Vincent (R) 3,105 94.21% Keith Hogan (D) 191 5.79% Property Value Administrator Kyle White (D) unopposed 3137 100% Coroner Michael Alexander (R) unopposed 3,290 100% Magistrate District 1 Bennie "Buck" Simmons 437 50.75% Jefferey Houchins 424 49.25% Magistrate District 2 Willie E. Lindsey (R) 280 40.35% Joseph D. Durbin (D) 414 59.65% Constable District 2 Tim Skees (R) unopposed 413 100% Magistrate District 3 Clark Wood (R) unopposed 470 100% Constable District 3 Joe Carl Daugherty (R) unopposed 437 100% Magistrate District 4 Edd Rich (R) 446 59.55% Stacy D. Vincent (D) 303 40.45% Magistrate District 5 Johnny Brooks (R) unopposed 425 100% Magistrate District 6 Neil Vincent (R) 337 45.23% Mark Woosley (D) 408 54.77% Board of Education District 3 Lorri Keith (non-partisan) unopposed 420 100% Board of Education District 5 Gary Bagshaw (non-partisan) unopposed 299 100% Brownsville City Council (*top 6 vote totals become members) *Jeremy Spainhoward 250 *Greg Nugent 206 *Justin Meredith 178 *Anthony "Slug" Duvall 174 *Richard Jones 156 *Keith Brown 139 Buddy K. Vincent 134 by: EV Staff Donald York was driving north in a 2005 GMC Yukon on Highway 259 at Riverhill around 7am this morning, when he fell asleep and crossed into the southbound lane. He struck a 2009 Nissan sedan driven by Robin Coots, who was driving south. Mrs. Coots was not wearing her seat belt and suffered minor injuries. Responding to the scene was The Edmonson County EMS, Brownsville Fire Department, and the KY State Highway Department. GMC Yukon driven by Donald York Nissan driven by Robin Coots
Last Wednesday morning, Clay Doyle, 39, was driving southbound in a 2007 Toyota pickup on Brownsville Road when he ran off the right side of the road and struck a tree. He suffered injuries to his head, face, and leg and was transported to Greenview Hospital. He was not wearing a seat belt.
Responding to the scene was The Chalybeate Fire Department, Brownsville Fire Department, The Jaws of Life, and The Edmonson County EMS. by: EV Staff At approximately 1:00pm on Monday, Deputy Wally Ritter and Sheriff Wil Cannon responded to the 400 block of Duvall Cemetery Road to a reported altercation and assault between Senate Duvall Sr. and Senate "Junior" Duvall Jr. and Michael Brown and Charles Pendleton, all of the Sunfish Community.
Upon investigation it was found that Brown had been struck multiple times with a blunt object, and there was a bullet hole in the side of Pendelton's truck. A Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun and garden hoe handle were found at the scene and seized for evidence. Duvall Sr. was arrested and charged with 2nd degree Assault and 1st degree Wanton Endangerment. Duvall Jr. was arrested for 1st degree Wanton Endangerment. Both were lodged in the Hart Co. Jail. The case is still under investigation. by EV Staff Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 4th, each registered voter in Edmonson County will have an opportunity to let their voice be heard. With many changes in county government coming in 2015, the election has been a hot topic for many months now. This Edmonson County Election will result in a new Judge Executive, Sheriff, County Clerk, County Attorney, and the possibility of new Magistrates. Below is a complete copy of the ballot that will be used at precincts all across the county but here's the rundown on three of the most talked about races. 1. Judge Executive. 1. Republican contender Wil Cannon, who's platform is based on past county service and fiscal court experience. He says the county is in the process of having the most cooperative government in years and wants to take his part in it. 2. Democrat candidate Bobby Thornhill's platform centers around business and marketing experience and says the county lacks vision and cooperation. He says he has new ideas and new energy. 2. Sheriff. 1. Democrat candidate Billy Joe Basham says the sheriff's department needs to be friendlier. He says people are currently scared of the sheriff's department. He says that his department will provide better response time. He also says the department doesn't currently work 24 hours/day, nor on weekends. He says that he would adjust the schedules to ensure 24 hour service. He also feels that he's the most mature candidate. (source: BG Daily News) 2. Republican Shane Doyle's platform is based on 10 years past service as a deputy for the Edmonson County Sheriff. He says that he'll continue the improvements that the department has made over the past several years and that he is most qualified for the job as a trained law enforcement officer. He says during his tenure with the Sheriff's office, it's always been available 24 hours/day and there have always been weekend shifts, which he will continue. 3. State Representative. 1. Republican incumbent Michael Lee Meredith, a Brownsville resident, has many goals for Kentucky and the people of Edmonson and Warren Counties. You can read more on his website here. His challenger, Democrat John Wayne Smith, who stayed in the race amid some controversy, also has goals for moving the 19th District forward. He tells the full details on his website here. Other races covering all precincts feature unopposed candidates such as County Court Clerk, (Kevin Alexander, R) County Attorney, (J.B. Hines, R) Property Value Administrator (Kyle White, D) and Coroner, (Michael Alexander, R). The Jailer's race features incumbent Hank Vincent (R) and opponent Keith Hogan, who changed his registration to Democrat to run as a write-in candidate. There are also new Magistrate candidates in several districts as well as various constable and judicial races. The race for Congress includes incumbent Brett Guthrie (R) and his opponent Ron Leach (D). Last but not least is the heated Senatorial Race between incumbent Mitch McConnell (R) and Alison Grimes (D). The Ballot: |
January 2025