Edmonson Voice Staff Report: The Kentucky State Police have reported the arrest of a Bowling Green teen as a result in a week-long investigation from a complaint of sexual abuse of a juvenile. According to a KSP press release, Kolton D. Dunn (18) of Bowling Green, was arrested Friday afternoon and lodged in the Warren County Regional Jail. He was charged with: Rape 2nd degree (no force), Unlawful transaction with a minor-1st degree, and Burglary 2nd degree.
The investigation is ongoing and is being led by KSP detectives.
Darren Doyle, story:
The Chalybeate Volunteer Fire Department has just new equipment to their trucks that could save the life of pet involved in a fire. Thanks to a grant provided by Invisible Fence by Hidden Fence System and Project Breathe, the fired department has received a kit oxygen masks in three different sizes specifically designed for small to large pets. "In the event of a fire or smoke inhalation, our firefighters will be able to provide life saving oxygen with this special equipment actually designed for animals,: said Chalybeate Fire Chief Daniel Johnson. "Chalybeate Volunteer Fire Department is excited to offer this new service to our community." We're Giving Away Tickets The Edmonson Voice is proud to join forces with the Bowling Green Hot Rods for the second consecutive year for a season of ticket giveaways and promotions.
Thanks to the Hot Rods, we will be offering ticket giveaways all season long. Every Friday night home game will feature a fireworks show immediately following the game. As Edmonson County's number one local news provider, we're honored to have such a great working relationship with not only businesses and organizations in our own county, but also with those outside county lines like the Hot Rods. It's pretty easy to simply share a status on Facebook or copy and paste a press release like other news sources do; however, we know you expect more out of your local news leader than that, and we take great pride in how we gather and report information to you. Thanks for your continued support as we continue our 5th year, and make sure you watch for our Bowling Green Hot Rods ticket giveaways throughout the 2019 season. Edmonson District Court was held on Tuesday, March 26, 2019. The Hon. Judge Joseph B. Hines presiding. Tiffany Isabele, Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense- methamphetamine. Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 5/28/19.
Paul Robert Susbe, Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Possession of marijuana. Terroristic threatening, third degree. Failed to appear. $250.00 cash bench warrant issued. Rebecca Diana Meredith, Assault fourth degree, domestic violence, minor injury. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 4/9/19. James K. Webb, Criminal trespass- first degree. Pretrial conference 5/28/19. Amy Nicole Bragg, Theft by deception- include cold checks under $500. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 4/23/19. Samuel Jackson Durbin, Operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Aggravator, first offense. Continue 4/23/19. Charles Lee Mitchell, Failure of non-owner operator to maintain required insurance, first offense. No/expired registration plates. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 4/9/19. Mark Stowe, Assault, fourth degree, domestic violence, minor injury. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 4/9/19. Derik Shane Bledsoe, Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense- drug unspecified. , Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense- methamphetamine. Convicted felon in possession of a firearm. Convicted felon in possession of a handgun. Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial conference 4/9/19. Brittany N. Webb, Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense-methamphetamine. Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Wanton endangerment. Tampering with physical evidence. Operating under influence of alcohol/drugs. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 4/9/19. Brittany N. Webb, Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense- drug unspecified. , Trafficking in controlled substance, first degree, first offense- methamphetamine. Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 4/9/19. Tyler Oshea Cline, Public intoxication controlled substance, excludes alcohol. Menacing. Possession of marijuana. Assault, fourth degree, domestic violence, no visible injury. Bonded for 4/9/19. Deanna Maria Miller, Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Possession of controlled substance, first degree, third or greater offense- methamphetamine. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 4/9/19. Bonded. Theresa Lynn Taymon, Wanton endangerment- first degree. Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense-methamphetamine. Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs. No rear view mirror. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial hearing 5/28/19. Cindy Kaye Meredith, Terroristic threatening, third degree. Criminal trespass, second degree. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial conference 5/28/19. Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02), along with Representatives Paul Tonko (D-NY), Jackie Walorski (R-IN), Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), Chris Smith (R-NJ), and Maxine Waters (D-CA) today introduced the Improving HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act (H.R. 1873). “An Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be devastating, not only for the person who receives the diagnosis but also for their families,” said Guthrie. “There are often many unanswered questions about best practices and treatment options. Medicare currently offers care planning services for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, but sadly, many doctors do not even know that this is an option. I was proud to join Reps. Tonko, Walorski, Blumenauer, Smith, and Waters in introducing the Improving HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act to help better education physicians about Alzheimer’s care planning services.” The Improving HOPE for Alzheimer’s Act would require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to inform health care providers about care planning benefits available through Medicare. The bill would also require HHS to identify other barriers individuals may be facing in accessing care planning. Guthrie has long advocated for cures and support for people with Alzheimer’s. Last year, President Trump signed Guthrie’s BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act into law. The BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act created a public health infrastructure to support prevention, treatment, and care for patients with Alzheimer’s and related neurological diseases. Moriah Peterson, story and photos:
District 6 Magistrate James Vincent led a discussion for changing the meeting time of Fiscal Court to 3pm instead of 9am at the Monday March 25, 2019 meeting. Before the discussion could be held a motion had to be made. Magistrate Vincent made the motion and Magistrate Mark Meeks seconded the motion so the court could discuss options. District 4 Magistrate Edd Rich voiced his concerns with 3pm meetings interfering with County Road Foreman Greg Carroll’s work schedule with the Road Department. Treasurer Tammi Willhite stated that a 3pm meeting would cause her to be a full day behind when paying county bills. She also mentioned 3pm meetings would interfere with school pickups for anyone who attends Fiscal Court. The court then discussed holding Fiscal Court meetings at 3pm on Fridays. Several concerns about employee overtime were mentioned during the discussion. After all concerns were addressed, the court held a vote to change the day and time of Fiscal Court meetings to 3pm on Fridays. District 3 Magistrate Clark Wood, District 4 Magistrate Edd Rich, and District 5 Magistrate Johnny Brooks all voted against the time and day change. District 1 Magistrate Mark Meeks voted yes to the change, along with District 2 Magistrate Corey VanMeter, and District 6 Magistrate James Vincent. Judge Executive Wil Cannon broke the 3-3 tie by voting no. Cannon stated that in order for him to vote yes to the change in the day and time of Fiscal Court meetings, the amount of magistrates voting yes would need to be greater than half. Fiscal Court meeting will remain on Mondays at 9am in the upstairs court room. KY Dept. of Transportation Approves Over $950,000 For County's 2019-20 Rural Secondary Road Program3/25/2019 Moriah Peterson, story and photos:
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Representative Heath Crawford spoke to Edmonson County Fiscal Court on Monday March 25, 2019 with a brief overview of the 2019-20 fiscal year's budget for the county's rural secondary roads. $357,800.00 will be spent on routine maintenance on 88.908 miles of rural secondary roads at $4024 per mile. Asphalt resurfacing on 1.404 miles of KY-1365 Grassland Road beginning at the intersection with KY-70 extending North to the intersection with Holly Springs Church Rd will cost $116,604.00 of the budget. $301,530.00 will be spent on asphult resurfacing on 3.214 miles of KY-655 Segal Road beginning at the intersection with River Road extending East to the intersection with KY-70. The remaining amount budgeted was $193,398.00 for county road flex funds and $2,400 for county judge expenses. The total amount of funds available is $971,732.00. Research Shows That Office Does Not Need Approval From Fiscal Court: Already A Separate Tax District Moriah Peterson, story:
Edmonson County residents will see an additional tax on their next property tax bills as a result of the county Conservation District having the authority to set their own tax without the fiscal court. The Edmonson County Conservation District attended Fiscal Court on Monday February 25th to request additional funding for their programs and over the course of a few weeks, the Judge Executive's Office assisted the Conservation Office by researching different options for the requested funding on an already strapped county budget. During today's Fiscal Court meeting it was confirmed that Edmonson County Conservation is already set up as a “special district” which means they have the ability to set a millage tax rate to use for their funding without the approval of Fiscal Court. Special taxing districts are those that have the ability to set their own tax rates, such as the health department, the Extension Office, and similar offices. The Conservation Office stated they want to work with the court and County Attorney Greg Vincent in setting their budget and tax rate for funding. While the office isn't required to obtain any approval from fiscal court to set the rate for this new tax, they openly requested feedback from the court in addition to the help of County Attorney Vincent. The rate will be set at a later date this year. Moriah Peterson, story and photos:
Edmonson County Fiscal Court was held on Monday, February 25, 2019 in the upstairs courtroom of the county courthouse. Road Report- Greg Carroll reported to the court that seasonal employees will be called back into work a little earlier than normal this year to help finish paving work. He also said the mow trimmer had to have some maintenance work and that a road crew employee hit a guardrail with one of the pickups, which will need repair. Sheriff Report- Sheriff Shane Doyle reported several drug arrests to the court. He reviewed one case where dispatch received multiple calls about a truck driving recklessly. The truck was located and through an investigation a significant arrest was made. He said the sheriff’s office also held their spring range qualification last Thursday. Jailer Report- Jailer Hank Vincent reported 17 county inmates are lodged in the Hart County jail and two inmates are on home incarceration. It was also reported that all jailers qualified during the spring range qualification. County Clerk Report- Election paper machines are set according to County Clerk Kevin Alexander. The state promised two election machines per polling place that automatically read driver’s licenses but the county hasn’t received these machines for all polling places in the county, according to Alexander. Parks & Rec Report- Parks Director A.B Webb reported that all park bathrooms are open for the season. He also reported that due to faucets being left on in bathrooms, Parks and Rec will be using some their budget to replace all faucets for automatic ones to eliminate faucets being left on. Tourism Report- The Chamber breakfast will be on April 12th at Edmonson County Health Care Center. The Cave Area Celebration will take place on April 17th beginning at 11am. Updates: The Edmonson County Humane Society will be offering their microchip clinic on April 6th. Edmonson County residents can receive up to two free chips for their pets per household. There will be a Vietnam Veterans Ceremony on Friday March 29, 2019 at the Brownsville Community Center at 10am. Several items of new business were discussed, where the court voted to:
More articles on today's meeting are scheduled to be published later today. The next Fiscal Court meeting will be on April 8th at 9am. Search Warrant Leads To Another Arrest, Seizure of Firearms, Drugs, Cash Edmonson Voice Staff Report: Two Chalybeate area residents have been arrested and are facing multiple felony charges after a Monday afternoon incident. According to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office, a deputy was dispatched to the area of Otter Gap and Sulphur Roads on Monday around 4pm for multiple reports of a blue Chevrolet pickup truck driving recklessly and in opposing lanes towards on-coming traffic. As the deputy approached the area, it was reported that the vehicle had turned onto Joseph Court, just off Sulphur Road. The Sheriff's Office said when the deputy arrived in the area, a vehicle matching the description was observed in a driveway at 82 Joseph Court, which was blue 2008 Chevrolet pickup truck occupied by Brittany Webb (29) and an unrestrained 5 year old juvenile. The deputy reported as he approached the vehicle, it was still running with Webb passed out behind the wheel and the juvenile was asleep on the passenger’s side. Officials said Webb woke up as the deputy approached and was observed with what appeared to be a meth pipe. Deputies said Webb attempted to crush the pipe as she exited the vehicle. According to officials, Webb admitted to having smoked meth at approximately 8 am that morning and then driving home from Bowling Green with her five year-old child. Through the deputy’s interaction with Webb, probable cause for a search warrant of 82 Joseph Court was obtained. Webb was charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs, 1st Offense; Possession of Controlled Substance, 1st Degree-Methamphetamine; Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Tampering with Physical Evidence; and Wanton Endangerment, 1st Degree. She was arrested on scene and taken to Hart County Jail where she was later released on bond. Later that evening, a search warrant was executed at the residence where numerous firearms and ammunition were seized, along with bagged up suspected methamphetamine and suspected methadone pills. Also seized were cash, scales, bags, and other drug paraphernalia.
Today, both Brittany Webb (28) and Derik Bledsoe (38), of Brownsville were arrested and charged with Trafficking in Controlled Substance 1st deg- 1st off methamphetamine over 2 grams (class C felony), Trafficking in Controlled Substance 1st deg- 1st off. Drug unspecified over 10 D.U (Class C felony). Drug Paraphernalia (A misdemeanor) (All drug offenses are firearm enhanced). Bledsoe was also charged with Convicted felon in possession of firearm (Class D felony), and Convicted felon in possession of handgun (class C felony). "This shows how important it is to call when you see something suspicious," said Sheriff Shane Doyle. "We may not have made this bust had it not been for concerned citizens. I'm proud of our deputies for the excellent investigators they are. The combination of the calls and our investigation led to a significant arrest in the drug problem facing our county." Both were lodged in Hart County Jail. Edmonson Voice Staff Report: The ECMS academic team won the KAAC state quick recall championship on Monday, March 18, 2019, by defeating Meyzeek Middle School of Louisville. The championship culminates a season of practice and competition that began on August 14, 2018. The win makes the third consecutive year that the team has competed in the finals, something unprecedented for a school the size of Edmonson County. The best teams in the commonwealth came to Louisville with dreams of being state quick recall champions, but the ECMS team dominated the competition at the KAAC Governor’s Cup State Finals. ECMS began the tournament on the morning of March 17th with a 37 to 13 victory over Phillip Sharp Middle School from Pendleton County. Next ECMS defeated Boone County’s Conner Middle School by a score of 40 to 11. The last game of the day, ECMS outscored Pikeville Middle School by a score of 44 to 12 to advance to the “Smart Sixteen” playoffs on Monday. ECMS drew Winburn Middle School for its first game on Monday, which was a strong rival against EC. The team is known for possessing the best academic team in the Lexington area. ECMS controlled the match from the opening of the game and ended the game with an impressive 44 to 21 victory. In the quarterfinals, ECMS defeated a perennial quick recall power, Holy Name School of Henderson, by a score of 46 to 17. Rockcastle County fell to ECMS in the semifinals by a score of 44 to 27. The championship game pitted ECMS against the best team in Louisville, Meyzeek Middle School. ECMS controlled the tempo and scoreboard from very early in the championship match. At halftime, ECMS had a commanding 29 to 8 lead. Meyzeek opened the second half with an impressive run but a timeout from EC helped stop the Meyzeek momentum, and ECMS stepped up it game. ECMS ended its championship run with a 43 to 28 victory. The team not only received its championship quick recall trophy and player medals but also claimed individual written assessment honors. Jonas Miller placed first in the state social studies assessment for the second year in a row. Brody Johnson placed 8th in the state in both arts and humanities and in language arts. ECMS Principal Brandon Prunty said he was very proud of the group's accomplishments, as always. "I'm glad to see that all their hard work culminated in a state championship in quick recall," he stated. "They gave a dominating performance from start to finish, against very strong teams. They set the tone in each match as the team to beat and no one was able to overcome that." A very thankful Head Coach Greg Grey had plenty to say: “I want to start by thanking everyone who follows and supports our academic team. Our team was so excited with the escort we were given as we returned to Brownsville. We love Edmonson County and wanted to make it proud. Today was an absolutely amazing day. The other coaches and I knew we had an outstanding team, but I never believed we would dominate quick recall so completely. There were no two players in the state that could compare with Brody Johnson and Jonas Miller. Brody’s speed in most areas, but especially in math, simply awed most of our competition. The depth of knowledge Jonas has in social studies and many other topics is amazing." Coach Grey continued:
"Our other starters, Evy Bolton and Emma Sackett, really stepped up their game for the quarterfinals and semifinals matches. We truly operated like a fine tuned engine at the state finals," Coach Grey continued. "When we substituted, every player came in with intensity and looked to score early and often. All of the coaches are extremely proud of the team’s achievements and of the individual achievements in testing. I want to thank our coaches Alan Florence, Nick Skaggs, and Robin Grey for all they did to make this championship a reality. We began the year with a dream of a state championship, and that dream was achieved through the hours of practice, competition, and study of our players. Thank you Brody, Jonas, Evy, Emma, Glenna, Alex, Brycen, Lyla, Ace, Ashton, and Ian. You will always have a special place in my heart and memories.” Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
A single vehicle accident has resulted in a DUI arrest, according to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office. Emergency workers responded to the 1200 block of Cedar Grove Church Road in Bee Spring on Monday, March 18, 2019 around 2pm to the report of a single vehicle accident with unknown injuries. According to the Sheriff's Office, Samuel Jason Durbin (42) of Bee Spring was headed east when his 2008 Pontiac SUV exited the right side of the roadway and collided with a tree. Officials said Durbin refused medical treatment at the scene and that he showed signs of impairment. He was arrested and charged with Driving under the influence--aggravated circumstance. He was transported to Caverna Hospital where he was then cleared for incarceration. He was transported and lodged in the Hart County Jail. In addition to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office, Edmonson EMS, Kyrock VFD, and Bear Creek VFD responded to the scene. Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
A Leitchfield woman has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence of drugs after a traffic stop, according to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office. In a released statement, the Sheriff's Office said they made a traffic stop on a gold Chevrolet sedan around 3:50pm on Sunday, March 17, 2019 that was found driving recklessly on HWY 259N. During the traffic stop at Z Mart in Sweeden, the driver of the vehicle was discovered to be Theresa L. Taymon (56) of Leitchfield. Also in the vehicle was a 4 year old juvenile passenger; a grandchild to the driver, according to the Sheriff's Office. Officials said that after making contact with Taymon, a field sobriety test was performed and the driver was found to be driving under the influence of drugs. The Edmonson County Sheriff’s Department K-9 Unit was on scene and after the K-9 indicated on Taymon’s vehicle, probable cause for a search of the vehicle and person was initiated. A substance that tested positive for methamphetamine was found on Taymon, driver of the vehicle. She was arrested on scene and charged with:
Edmonson County Circuit Court Clerk Tanya Hodges has released a special statement regarding the process of jury duty summons' in Edmonson County.
"Dear Edmonson County residents, As you may know, when court cases require a jury here in the Edmonson County Courthouse, our office has to request a jury panel from Frankfort. I, nor anyone in our office has any control as to whom is mailed a jury summons. We simply request a certain amount of names, and then the names are randomly selected from a database stored in Frankfort. It has come to our attention that several families have received a summons in the name of a deceased loved one. We know this is frustrating, and sometimes painful. We deeply apologize for these incidents and we are working hard to keep this from happening in the future. A new jury panel is currently being selected and the summons' have been mailed out. Again, we do not select these names locally, but we ask that if you or a family member receive a summons for someone who has passed, to please contact our office immediately so that we can notify Frankfort in order to remove that name from the database. We are here to serve you with respect and dignity, and we deeply care about our responsibilities, our credibility, but most importantly, you, the people of Edmonson County. Please contact our office with any needs for our services, it is our pleasure to serve you. Thank you so much." Respectfully submitted, Tanya Hodges Edmonson County Circuit Court Clerk 270-597-2584 Darren Doyle, story: Emergency workers responded to a car fire on Veterans Memorial HWY (259/101) near Brownsville earlier today around 1:30pm. According to law enforcement, Christopher Leonard of Bowling Green was headed south in a red Ford Mustang when a mechanical problem forced him to pull over. The vehicle caught fire after he and a passenger exited the vehicle, according to law enforcement on scene. Responding to the fire were the Brownsville, Chalybeate, and Wingfield Fire Departments, as well as the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office and Brownsville Police.
There were no injuries reported in the incident. Edmonson District Court was held on Tuesday, March 12, 2019. The Hon. Judge Joseph B. Hines presiding. Michael R. Fox, Terroristic threatening. Failed to appear. $500 cash bench warrant issued.
Cindy Kaye Meredith, Terroristic threatening, third degree. Criminal trespass, second degree. Continue 3/26/19. Darrell T. Decker, Operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs- aggravated circumstance-third offense. Guilty. Driving with DUI suspended license- second offense (merge into count 1). Possess open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle. Failure to/or improper signal (merge into count 1). James K. Webb, Criminal trespass, first degree. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 3/26/19. James K. Webb, Possession of controlled substance, first degree, first offense- methamphetamine. Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Possession of marijuana. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security first. No/expired registration plates. No tail lamps. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 3/26/19. Brittany Michelle Jackson, Operating motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol/drugs. Operating on suspended/revoked operators license. Possession of marijuana. Careless driving. No/expired registration plates. Failed to appear. $250 cash bench warrant issued. Heather D. Dixon, Theft by deception- include cold checks. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial conference 4/23/19. Carolene C. Griffin, Assault fourth degree, minor injury. Assault fourth degree, minor injury. Criminal trespass- first degree. Alcohol intoxication in a public place- first and second offense. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial conference 3/26/19. Christopher A. Silcox, Fugitive from another state- warrant required. Sherri Delaine Davis, Assault fourth degree, domestic violence, minor injury. Wanton endangerment. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial conference 3/26/19. Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
In a large bipartisan vote, the Senate has sent legislation requiring the display of the nation motto in public elementary and secondary schools to the Governor’s desk. House Bill 46, sponsored by Rep. Brandon Reed of Hodgenville, requires schools to display “In God We Trust” in a prominent location, such as a school entryway, cafeteria, or common area. The display may take the form of a mounted plaque or student artwork, but is not limited to those items. “Our national motto has long served as a vital component to our nation’s history and culture, and can serve as an example for our students,” Reed said. “This will be a source of inspiration for all of our children, in the very place where they spend their upbringing learning and growing. I’m glad to see bipartisan support for this bill, and look forward to seeing the Governor sign it into law.” “In God We Trust” has served as America’s national motto since 1956, and is featured on money, license plates, and a variety of other platforms. If signed into law, local school boards would be required to implement the measure at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year. HB 46 can be viewed here. Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
Edmonson County Clerk Kevin Alexander has announced that his office will be closed Saturday, March 16th due to office-wide illness. "Unfortunately, flu and other sickness has affected our office," said Clerk Alexander. "We simply do not have the available staff to keep our office open this Saturday." Alexander said he was hesitant about making the decision due to March being a busy time of year for the office. "We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause because Saturday hours are popular with our residents," he added. "There are still two more Saturdays available this month and we plan to be better staffed by Monday, March 18th. Again, we apologize, but we really have no choice." Nearly 900 Without Power in the County Darren Doyle, story:
As of 11:53 am, Warren RECC is experiencing widespread outages affecting approximately 6,300 members. The outages include members in Butler, Edmonson, Logan, Warren, and Simpson Counties. According to a WRECC power outage map, the Wingfield community in Edmonson County has currently the most outages in the area with more than 500 users without electricity and nearly 900 in all of EC. Crews have been dispatched and are working to restore power as soon as possible, according to a statement from WRECC. Unrestrained Children Found In Cargo Area of U-haul Van KSP has reported that on Tuesday evening, at approximately 6:19 PM, Troopers Jason Adkison and Jonathan Johnson conducted a traffic stop on Interstate 65 near the 40 mile marker in Warren County. According to a press release, Post 3 dispatch had received a complaint on the vehicle, a U-haul box van, which according to the caller, contained unrestrained children in the cargo area.
Through investigation, it was determined that the operator, Adam C. Smith (28) of Newark, OH, along with a passenger, Thora Thornton (female-19) also of Newark, OH had rented the cargo van earlier in the day, according to KSP. The cargo van was reportedly not equipped with passenger seating for additional occupants in the cab portion of the vehicle. Two juvenile passengers, which were found to be relatives of Thornton’s, were located in the rear cargo area of the van, and were unrestrained. Both juveniles were uninjured when troopers established contact with them, according to KSP. Troopers’ Adkison and Johnson arrested Smith and Thornton on scene, where they were ultimately lodged in the Warren County Regional Jail. They were charged with the following: Adam C. Smith Criminal Abuse 1st degree Operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol 1st offense Possession of an open alcoholic beverage container in a motor vehicle prohibited Speeding Booster seat violations Failure to wear seatbelts License to be in possession Thora S. Thornton Criminal Abuse 1st degree The investigation is ongoing and is being conducted by Trooper Jason Adkison. He was assisted on the scene by Trooper Jonathan Johnson. Cause of Death Unconfirmed Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
The body found within Zion Hill Cemetery in Mammoth Cave National Park has been identified as Mariah Amber Decru, 23, of Park City, Kentucky. The investigation into the cause of death is being conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Louisville Field Office, with assistance from the National Park Service. Investigators cannot confirm the cause of death at this time and are awaiting the medical examiner's report and various test results before additional information will be released. Click here for original article: Body Found In Mammoth Cave NP: Barren County Darren Doyle, story and photos: Edmonson County Judge Executive Wil Cannon signed a proclamation that declared Edmonson County will be recognizing April 5, 2019 as Arbor Day. Judge Cannon signed the proclamation during today's regular fiscal court meeting. The proclamation was submitted by Forest Ranger Tech Chris Scott and Regional Ranger Mark Wiedewitsch from the Campbellsville branch of the KY Division of Forestry. The rangers also presented a check in the amount of $1069.17 to the fiscal court. The money is restitution collected from the Division of Forestry from landowners that pay fines for violations of burn bans during burn seasons.
UPDATE: MARCH 11, 2019 UPDATE: 7:29PM (MARCH 11, 2019) Body In MCNP Identified CLICK HERE EARLIER UPDATE: MAMMOTH CAVE, Ky., March 11, 2019, 4:45 p.m. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Louisville Field Office, is working with the National Park Service to continue their investigation into a suspicious death at Zion Hill Cemetery near Park City Road in Mammoth Cave National Park. At approximately 9:40 a.m., a person contacted the Barren County Glasgow Dispatch to report finding an unresponsive person laying in the cemetery. The Park City Volunteer Fire Department responded to the scene and contacted the national park rangers at 10 a.m. regarding the deceased, a white female in her 20's. Investigators cannot confirm the cause of death at this time and are awaiting the medical examiner's report and various test results before additional information will be released. The victim’s identity is being withheld pending notification of family members. The cemetery and surrounding area were closed for a number of hours on Monday while investigators gathered evidence into the incident. ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
The National Park Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are investigating a body that was found in Mammoth Cave National Park in Barren County, KY on Monday, March 11, 2019. The victim, a white female in her 20's, was discovered by a citizen who reported the incident to the Barren County Glasgow Dispatch. The Park City Volunteer Fire Department notified park rangers around 10 a.m. of the finding. A press release from the park said updates will be made as information becomes available. Darren Doyle, story and photo: The discussion for needed funding from the Edmonson County Conservation District continued today with no decision being made on whether or not a new tax will be coming to county taxpayers. Judge Cannon said that $60K in funding is being requested by the office, which is an amount not feasible for the county's general fund to support, according to Cannon. The Judge Executive discussed three different options that the county could aid the office in their need for funding, which were (1.) creating a new tax district where county taxpayers would see a Conservation District tax added to their annual property tax bill (2.) relocating the district office to county property to eliminate $6K worth of rent and utilities (3.) more funding from the county's general fund. Cannon also said a combination of the three could also be an option. Cannon discussed a potential problem with adding a new taxing district, which was that the fiscal court would no longer have the option of setting the rate of the tax. It would be in the hands of the conservation board from that point forward. "While that wouldn't be a problem now because of the good board members we have, what will it be in 20 years or 10 years, or even 5? They'll have the authority to increase that tax to whatever they say. The fiscal court will never again have any control over any of those increases." After a brief discussion, it was recommended that Conservation District Secretary Barbara Johnson meet with the County Treasurer Tammi Willhite to see if there are other ways the office can work with the county in the budget and the matter would be tabled until the next meeting. County offices also gave individual reports and updates concerning their specific areas. Road Report: Interim County Road Foreman Greg Carroll said some county bridges had been closed, reopened, then closed again, while multiple road tiles had washed out due to recent flooding. He also said that various repairs had been completed on department vehicles. Pot hole repair work was currently in place and he asked that if anyone knew of pot holes in need of repair to please contact the road department. He also reported that paving would begin as soon as weather warmed a bit, hopefully around the first of April. Emergency Management Report: EM Director Terry Massey discussed various classes he'd attended, along with listing certain response calls to a number of structure and house fires, a car in the water, and other county emergencies, for a total of 26 calls since last meeting. He also discussed FEMA grant possibilities for washed out road shoulders as well as other road and tile needs. “I think this opens the door to repair several roads in the county.” Grant money is based on population and needs. He also reported the Chalybeate warning storm siren is not working properly and will check on the repair. Sheriff Report: Sheriff Shane Doyle spoke on recent training for new special deputies and constables that was conducted by the Sheriff's Office. He reported on a recent trip to Frankfort to hand over a couple dozen seized firearms that cannot be used by his office. Sheriff Doyle said when a firearm is seized, it must either get destroyed order or deemed for department use once the case is closed. The Sheriff said the KY State Police either destroy or sell the weapons, the money of which becomes available in the form of grant money. Doyle said his office has benefited from the grant in the past. Grants are used for body armor, tasers, and other similar equipment. Jailer Report: Jailer Hank Vincent reported that the county currently has 17 inmates housed in the Hart County Jail along with two more on home incarceration. County Attorney Report: County Attorney Greg Vincent said he had been researching options for the fiscal court regarding passing local taxing districts and he summarized his research by saying that the court could basically pass whatever taxing district they deemed necessary. This report was given prior to today's Conservation District discussion. Magistrates also voted to:
Both Occupants Transported To Hospital Darren Doyle, story and photos: A teen and a juvenile passenger were transported to the hospital this afternoon as a result from injuries they each received in a single vehicle crash on Blackgold Road. Emergency workers were dispatched to the 5000 block of Blackgold Road around 4pm today where a Ford pickup had crashed into a row of trees. According to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office, an unnamed male teenage driver was headed east on Blackgold Road when his Ford pickup exited the left side of the roadway, flipped onto the driver's side, and crashed into a row of trees. The driver and and unnamed passenger were both transported to the hospital by Edmonson EMS for unknown injuries.
Also responding to the scene was the Kyrock Fire Department and Edmonson County Emergency Management. |
February 2025