Edmonson District Court was held on Tuesday May 29, 2018. The Honorable Judge Joseph B. Hines presiding.
James T Ashley, Safety fitness procedures. Amended to falsely reporting an incident. Alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st and 2nd offense. Wanton endangerment 1st degree- police officer. Pleaded not guilty to all. Preliminary hearing 6/5/2018. Kimberly Ann Houchin, Careless driving. Possession of controlled substance, 1st degree, 1st offense-Meth. Possession of controlled substance 1st degree- 2nd or more offense, amended to drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Pleaded not guilty to all. Preliminary hearing 6/12/18. Tommy G. Hayes, Alcohol intoxication in a public place 1st and 2nd offense. Possess open alcohol beverage container in motor vehicle. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial conference 6/12/18. Jefty Meredith, public intoxication controlled substance-excludes alcohol. Failed to appear. $1000 bench warrant issued. Mary Anne Phelps, No/expired registration plates. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt. Both charges dismissed with proof shown. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/security 1st. Leaving scene of accident/failure to render aid or assistance. Pleaded not guilty to both. Pretrial conference 6/12/18. Joseph Lindsey, Fleeing or evading police, 1st degree. Wanton endangerment-1st degree-police officer. Pleaded not guilty to all. Preliminary hearing 6/5/18. Jenny Sams, Fleeing or evading police, 1st degree. Wanton endangerment-1st degree-police officer. Reckless driving. Pleaded not guilty to all. Preliminary hearing 6/5/18. Robert S Elmore, Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess. Guilty. Court costs $154.00. Patrick N Blanton, Assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Guilty. 6/26/18 sentencing. Amit Lamba, Operating ATV on roadway. Possession of open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle. Operating motor vehicle under/influence of drugs/ alcohol. Continue 6/5/18. Nicole Ashley Frederico, operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Guilty. Fines and cost $293.00.
National Winner To Be Named Upon Completion Of All Regional Competition Darren Doyle, story: photos courtesy of ECMS
The ECMS Academic Team could very well be named National Champions for the first time in school history, after claiming a victory in today's National New Orleans Championship game 440 to 300. Edmonson County won an amazing six games in a row on Sunday to set up the semifinal game against the Arkansas state champs, Pulaski Middle School, 525-220. Sunday's unprecedented competition from Edmonson County began with a 385-125 win over Oak Park (Decatur, AL), and another win, 395-120 over Golden Meadow A from Louisiana. The biggest win arguably came after defeating last year's defending national champions, Chaffin, an Arkansas school 370-275. ECMS went on with three more wins over Louisiana, Georgia, and Oklahoma schools. ECMS defeated Paideia Middle School from the Atlanta area by score of 440 to 300 in the New Orleans championship game. The team is made up of Taylor Dooley, Jonas Miller, Brody Johnson, Meredith Hennion, Evy Bolton, Derick Jaggers, Madison Atkins, Emma Sackett, and Haleigh Lindsey. "The overall National academic champion will be declared later next month following the conclusion of all the national regional competitions," said head coach Greg Grey. "The undefeated Wildcats have a great chance to win it all." High Speed Pursuit Results In Arrest of Wanted Felon Darren Doyle, story: Sheriff Shane Doyle recently announced that summer season lake patrol had begun in the Nolin area, thanks to additional funding from the US Army Corps of Engineers, which covers the cost of overtime for local officers to do so. That extra patrol resulted in eight different arrests this past Saturday night alone, including a pursuit that ended in the arrest of a wanted felon. The Sheriff's office conducted a traffic safety checkpoint on May 26th at Nolin Dam while extending traffic enforcement in other lake communities later in the evening. Summertime months usually bring increased alcohol related offenses and impaired driving to the area. According to the sheriff's office, the extended patrolling can reduce the frequency of these issues. During the safety checkpoint, deputies reported that they witnessed a vehicle make an Illegal u-turn at the checkpoint and flee on 728 towards Hwy 259. Deputies followed the driver in an attempt to make a traffic stop but the driver continued to flee onto Jock Road. The pursuit then continued north on 259 into Grayson County and the sheriff's office said they requested the help of Brownsville PD, Leitchfield PD, and the Grayson County Sheriff. During the pursuit, speeds reached over 100mph, according to authorities. The vehicle was stopped at Ralph's Market where deputies found Joseph Lindsey, 27, of Brownsville as a passenger, and Jenny Sams, 40, of Glasgow as the driver. Through the investigation, deputies learned that the car fled because Lindsey was wanted on a bench warrant out of Edmonson Circuit Court for DUI, Felony Assault, and Criminal Mischief, and that Lindsey admittedly told Sams to flee on his behalf. Sams and Lindsey were charged with Fleeing or Evading Police 1st degree motor vehicle, and six counts of felony wanton endangerment. Sams faces an additional charge of Reckless driving.
In addition to this case, three other DUI arrests were made over the weekend: Robert L. Rich, 55, of Campbellsville, was charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle u/influence of ALC/drugs 1st off and Failure to wear seat belts; Samuel H. Griffin, 22, of Hartford was charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle u/influence of ALC/drugs 1st off and Possession of open alcoholic beverage container; Amit Lamba, 19, of Louisville was charged with Operating a Motor Vehicle u/influence of ALC/drugs 1st of, Operating ATV on a roadway, and Loss of open alcoholic beverage in motor vehicle. Sheriff Shane Doyle said that traffic checkpoints paid off again, by getting impaired drivers off the road. "Our partnership with our friends at Nolin Lake allows us to extend our patrols and focus in areas where we suspect impaired driving is increased," he said. "The whole purpose of these safety checkpoints is to decrease impaired driving and other illegal activities. We also appreciate our other local agencies for their great work as well." The Sheriff's Office also served arrested warrants on two other individuals during the weekend. Local Organizations, Elected Officials, and Scouts Lead Ceremony Darren Doyle, story and photos: Dozens gathered at the Veterans Courtyard today on the Edmonson County Courthouse Square to honor veterans and their sacrifices at the annual Edmonson County Memorial Day Ceremony. The ceremony featured guest speaker, U.S. Army Ret. MSgt. Larry Hawks, an Edmonson County native, who was introduced by friend, Eric Spainhoward. Also featured speakers were State Rep. Michael Lee Meredith and Judge Executive Wil Cannon. Jack Hasty, local DAV Commander, welcomed all guests while the flag was presented by VFW Post 6937 Honor Guard, Girl Scout Troop 313, and Boy Scout Pack 597. Both the boy and girl scouts were instrumental in today's ceremony. Edmonson County Sheriff Shane Doyle sang The Star Spangled Banner just before the invocation was delivered by Bro. Jerry Patton. Other special music was provided by the group Victory Voices. DAV Adjutant Penny Saltsman recognized more than three dozen local veterans that were in attendance today and Maurita Miller was recognized at the state level as she was presented a certificate from Commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs, Heather French Henry, by Magistrate Joe Durbin.
Miller then read a tribute to this year's featured local fallen soldier, Walker B. "Dink" Sanders, who was killed in action during WWII. The names of all local veterans lost in action were read as the bell was tolled in their honor. The ceremony concluded with an emotional 21-gun salute by the local VFW Honor Guard and "Taps," which was played by Benny Durbin. Grant Request For Dispatch Center Approved, Community Center To Purchase New Chairs Darren Doyle, story: A special session of Edmonson County Fiscal Court was held today instead of Monday, May 28th, due to the upcoming Memorial Day holiday. The county is proceeding with a lawsuit against The Fortress Group, which operates under the name (dba) Park Mammoth. According to Judge Executive Wil Cannon, Park Mammoth owes more than $80,000 in unpaid Room and Recreational taxes to the county. Rec taxes go directly to Parks and Rec while room taxes go directly to Edmonson County Tourism. County Attorney Greg Vincent said that the lawsuit was officially filed the day after the announcement was made on May 14th and Sheriff Shane Doyle confirmed the papers had been served. Judge Cannon said that the March payment from the group which was first said was to have been insufficient at the last fiscal court meeting eventually cleared the bank. According to the civil suit documents, the county is suing for $85,849.33, which includes back taxes, interest, attorney fees, and court costs. Other county offices gave reports at today's meeting including the road department. Assistant foreman Greg Carroll said crews had replaced several road tiles, including the oversized units on Beaver Dam Church Road. He said the department's new wrecker was used in the installation which made the operation much more efficient. He reported that the old tiles were recycled. Sheriff Report: Sheriff Shane Doyle updated the court on the hectic night last week for local law enforcement when three major calls all landed at the same time. He also reported that a new patrol vehicle had been purchased by his office and is currently being outfitted with a police package. All of the money used in the purchase came from seized drug money from convictions stemming from arrests made by the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office. County Clerk Report: County Clerk Kevin Alexander reported on the recent election, which he described as an "uneventful day," and used the term as a positive attribute. He said two precincts had a couple of machine errors at first due to some perforated ballot issues, but all were corrected under the supervision of both republican and democrat members of the election board. Helen Siewers, from Cave County Trails, also spoke at today's meeting: The group is made up of tourism personnel from Edmonson, Hart, Barren, and Warren counties and funded through local tourism commissions. The group promotes hiking, biking, equestrian trails and water sport trails. She asked for court approval to incorporate county roads for a bike trail that would link two major bike routes: one west/east route beginning in LaRue County, to one north/south route that extends to Tennessee.
No funding was requested, but rather the approval of an ordinance that would allow local roads to be included. The ordinance was read and approved. The local route enters the county in the National Park, travels along Silent Grove Ch Road, KY 259 to Rocky Hill, then outside of the county. Blue Lights For Animal Control Vehicle Denied: Judge Cannon said he had received a formal request from animal control officer Kenny Heath for installation of blue lights on the animal control vehicle. According to Cannon, Heath said the lights would be for safety purposes. Sheriff Shane Doyle said according to state law, an animal control vehicle alone is not considered an emergency vehicle that qualifies for red or blue emergency lighting. Judge Cannon suggested possible yellow lights instead, and a motion was made to allow the officer to install yellow and white lights on the vehicle, where the motion passed. The court also approved:
The court went into closed session for the purpose of discussing the appointment of a new county treasurer. No action was discussed on the matter once open court resumed. The next fiscal court meeting is scheduled for June 11, 2018 at 9am. Meth, Open Alcohol Containers Found Edmonson Voice Staff Report: A Leitchfield woman is facing a felony meth charge after a traffic stop on Tuesday, May 22nd, according to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office. Officials said that a deputy noticed an erratic driver on Brownsville Road yesterday evening around 6pm and a traffic stop was initiated at the intersection of Veterans HWY and Brownsville Road. The driver reportedly had crossed the center line multiple times and traveled completely in the opposite lane, facing oncoming of traffic. Deputies said the strong odor of alcohol was present in the vehicle and the passenger, Tommie Hayes, (66), of Leitchfield, admitted to drinking inside the vehicle. Deputies said they found two open beers inside. The sheriff's office also reported that after a field sobriety test, the driver, Kimberly Deering (42), also of Leitchfield, consented to a search of the vehicle where deputies reportedly found meth residue inside a container, along with what appeared to be a meth pipe. Deering was charged with Possession of controlled substance-first degree-first offense-meth, Drug paraphernalia-buy/possess, and Careless driving.
Hayes was charged with Alcohol intoxication and Open alcohol beverage container in a motor vehicle. Both were transported and lodged in the Hart County Jail. Around 40% Voter Turnout As Afternoon Voters Increased Darren Doyle, story:
Below are all the unofficial reports from the Edmonson County Clerk's Office for the 2018 Primary Election. Afternoon vote totals yesterday showed an average number of voters with some precincts having a below average number. Those numbers increased during the last two hours of voting as a 7% increase in total number of ballots cast were reported in comparison to the 2014 Primary Election. An estimated 40% voter turnout was reported. Edmonson District Court was held Tuesday May 15, 2018. The Honorable Judge Joseph B. Hines Presiding. David Wayne Higgs, Speeding 26 mph over limit. Merge with count #3. Failure to provide insurance card. Dismissed proof shown. Reckless driving. Will attend county attorney traffic school. Amanda Reynolds Vincent, No/expired registration plates. No/ expired Kentucky registration receipt. Amend to all others. Failed to appear. Steven Embry, No/ expired registration plates. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance/ security. Operating vehicle with expired operator’s license. Failed to appear. $2000 cash warrant issued. Stephen T Thornell Jr., Person age 18-20 possess/purchase, attempt to purchase/ have another purchase alcohol. Pretrial Diversion. Samantha L Sweet, Person age 18-20 possess/purchase, attempt to purchase/ have another purchase alcohol. Pretrial Diversion. Rebecca Amy Townsend, One headlight. Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs. Wanton endangerment- 1st degree. Pleaded not guilty to all. Preliminary hearing 5/29/18. Lindsey Hart, Driving on DUI suspended license 1st offense. Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol/drugs, aggravated circumstance. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial conference 7/24/18 Patrick N Blanton, Assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Continue 5/29/18 Edmonson District Court was held Tuesday May 22, 2018. The Honorable Judge John M. McCarty Presiding.
Michael K Snyder, Escape 3rd degree. Fleeing or evading police (on foot). Resisting arrest. Currently in custody in LaRue County. Brandi Bowlds, Speeding 10 mph over limit. Failed to appear. Wade C Hillier, Theft of motor vehicle registration/plate/renewal decal. No/ expired registration plates. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Failure to/or improper signal. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 6/5/18 Samantha M Burns, Assault 4th degree domestic violence minor injury. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial Conference 6/5/2018 Jefty E Meredith, Public intoxication controlled substance. Failed to appear. $250 bench warrant issued. Joshua Lee Smith, Wanton endangerment- 1st degree. Convicted felon in possession of a handgun. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 6/5/2018. Nicole Ashley Frederico, Operating on a suspended/revoked operator’s license. Continue 5/29/18 Stanley Chapman, Manufacturing meth second or more offense. Possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture meth. Unlawful possession of meth precursor-first offense. Possession of handgun by convicted felon. Receiving stolen property of $10,000 or more. Trafficking in controlled substance-second degree, first offense. Bonded for 5/29/18 James C Karner, Manufacturing meth 1st offense. Possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture meth. Unlawful possession of meth precursor-first offense. Possession of handgun by convicted felon. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial hearing 5/29/18 Mathew Merle Martin, Manufacturing meth 2nd or more offense. Possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture meth. Unlawful possession of meth precursor-first offense. Possession of handgun by convicted felon. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 5/29/18 Michelle Lee Martin, Manufacturing meth 1st offense. Possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture meth. Unlawful possession of meth precursor-first offense. Possession of controlled substance first degree, first offense-meth. Pleaded not guilty. Pretrial hearing 5/29/18 Dana Carol Martin, Manufacturing meth-first offense. Possession of anhydrous ammonia with intent to manufacture meth. Unlawful possession of meth precursor-first offense. Possession of controlled substance first degree, first offense-meth. Pleaded not guilty to all. Pretrial hearing 5/29/18 Jason R Stanka, Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Reckless Driving. Bonded out for 6/5/18. Primary Election Unofficial Results: Michael Lee Meredith, Shane Doyle, Charles Pendleton Win5/22/2018 The unofficial 2018 Edmonson County Primary Election results are in from the Edmonson County Clerk's Office.
Total vote numbers for each primary race are as follows, according to the clerk: REPUBLICAN: State Representative Michael Lee Meredith: 1669 Brian Kent Strow: 771 Sheriff: Shane Doyle: 1362 Amanda Coniglio: 978 Kenneth Heath: 138 Magistrate Dist 1: Buck Simmons: 244 Danny Goins: 224 Bobby Poteet: 31 Constable Dist 2: Travis Madison: 269 Keith Hogan: 67 Tim Skees: 91 Magistrate Dist 4: Edd Rich: 222 Huey Vincent: 191 Magistrate Dist 5: Josh Casey: 123 Johnny Brooks: 248 Magistrate Dist 6: James C. Vincent: 202 Todd Vincent: 174 Joshua Vincent: 102 (earlier published incorrectly at 182 due to a typo) DEMOCRAT PRIMARY U.S. Congress: Rane Eir Olivia Sessions: 77 Hank Linderman: 109 Grant Short: 61 Brian Pedigo: 208 State Representative: Jacob K. Moore: 132 Daniel Wayne Johnson: 169 William Bill Fishback: 171 Sheriff: Charles Pendelton: 289 Pat Haycraft: 208 District totals will be available in a future article. Results for the paper absentee ballots have been totalled at the Edmonson County Clerk's office for the 2018 Primary Election. A total of 37 paper ballots were cast, which resulted in the following:
REPUBLICAN PRIMARY: State Representative Michael Lee Meredith: 20 Brian Kent Strow:6 Sheriff: Shane Doyle: 16 Amanda Coniglio: 9 Kenneth Heath: 4 Magistrate Dist 1: Buck Simmons: 5 Danny Goins: 0 Bobby Poteet: 0 Constable Dist 2: Travis Madison: 7 Keith Hogan: 2 Tim Skees: 2 Magistrate Dist 4: Edd Rich: 4 Huey Vincent: 0 Magistrate Dist 5: Josh Casey: 3 Johnny Brooks: 1 Magistrate Dist 6: James C. Vincent: 4 Todd Vincent: 2 Joshua Vincent: 0 DEMOCRAT PRIMARY U.S. Congress: Rane Eir Olivia Sessions: 3 Hank Linderman: 2 Grant Short: 1 Brian Pedigo: 0 State Representative: Jacob K. Moore: 2 Daniel Wayne Johnson: 2 William Bill Fishback: 1 Sheriff: Charles Pendelton: 4 Pat Haycraft: 1 The county clerk's office said that poll workers reported an average or slightly below average pace today according to county polling stations in the 2018 Primary Election.
Polls will remain open until 6pm tonight and then the count will be tallied. Absentee vote totals will be available soon. We'll have all the Primary Election results as they become available tonight. Entire Incident Lasts Only Around 10 Minutes, According To Police: Darren Doyle, story: Brownsville Police has reported that an inmate who escaped from the Edmonson County Courthouse today was apprehended soon after headed near the Brownsville City Park. Police said that around 4:30pm this afternoon, Edmonson County Dispatch alerted all officers to be on the lookout for Michael Snyder, 21, of Rineyville, Ky, who had fled on foot from the jailer's custody while outside the courthouse. According to police, Snyder ran north on Washington Street, where Edmonson County Sheriff special deputies responded immediately. Brownsville Police arrived soon afterwards and were reportedly directed by concerned citizens toward the city park, who said they had witnessed Snyder fleeing in that direction. Police also said that Snyder was seen coming out of the bushes near the home of District 2 Constable when he was tackled by the constable and a sheriff's deputy. All other units arrived in the area shortly after. Snyder was arrested and charged with Escape 3rd Degree, Fleeing or Evading Police on foot 2nd degree, and Resisting Arrest.
Police said the entire incident lasted around 10 minutes. Snyder was transported back to the courthouse, where he then requested medical attention due to claims of sustaining injuries during his escape and apprehension. Edmonson County EMS transported Snyder to Twin Lakes Medical Center in Leitchfield where he was treated and released back into police custody. Snyder was then transported back to Hardin County Detention Center where he was previously being held on charges of Flagrant non-support and Theft by unlawful taking or disposition-auto, $500 or more but less than $10,000. New Rocky Hill Polling Location, Clerk's Office Closed On Tuesday Darren Doyle, story:
Below is the primary election ballot that will be available on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. County Clerk Kevin Alexander is also reminding Edmonson County residents that the clerk's office will be closed on Tuesday for election purposes. Alexander also said that Rocky Hill voters will need to report to the new Rocky Hill Fire Department at the location of the former Atmos Gas Plant. There is no more voting at Cedar Springs Community Church. This location, along with all others, will open at 6:00 am tomorrow morning and will remain open until 6:00 pm. Paige Glass Is Named Valedictorian, John Michael Mills Is Salutatorian Darren Doyle, story: Madison Doyle, photos: Edmonson County High School said goodbye to 126 seniors on Saturday, May 19, 2018 at the annual graduation commencement ceremony in the high school gym in front of a packed crowd. A total of over $1.26 million in scholarships were awarded to Edmonson County seniors in a previous ceremony. Paige Glass was honored as the 2018 Valedictorian while John Michael Mills, who was also a Governor's Scholar, was honored as the 2018 Salutatorian. Opening remarks were made by senior class president Logan Lindsey. Vivian Thomas performed the song "The Climb" while accompanying herself on guitar. The ECHS band performed the classic "Pomp & Circumstance," as well as "See You Again." Perfect attendance awards were given to Katlin Collins and John Michael Mills (grade 12), Xavian Johnson (grades 11-12), Tucker Cole (grades 10-12), Miranda Kennon (grades 9-12), Kaytlin Hyde (grades 7-12), and Cameron Vincent, who had perfect attendance every day of school from kindergarten through grade 12. The following students finished their high school careers as honor students; a minimum GPA of 3.4 under the honors curriculum: Abby Alexander, Clay Browning, Keaton Clark, Katlin Collins, Paige Glass, Kaytlin Hyde, Miranda Kennon, Skylar Lewis, Emma Lindsey, MiKayla Lindsey, Peyton Martin, John Michael Mills, Kaleb Morgan, Suhani Patel, Adam rich, Samantha Steward, Haley Tarter, Vivian Thomas, Keaton Thompson, Lauren Tyree, and J.T. Vincent. These students finished their high school careers with a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher: Abby Alexander, Clay Browning, Brayden Carey, Anthony Cherry, Keaton Clark, Katlin Collins, Dylan Elmore, Paige Glass, Sierra Kenney, Miranda Kennon, Logan Lindsey, MiKayla Lindsey, Peyton Martin, John Michael Mills, Kaleb Morgan, Suhani Patel, Adam Rich, Samantha Steward, Haley Tarter, Vivian Thomas, Keaton Thompson, and Moses Wilson. ECHS Guidance Counselor Michael Meredith then called all seniors to the stage where they received their ceremonial diplomas from Superintendent Patrick Waddell. Closing remarks were given by Logan Minton, who also said prayer.
Principal Tommy Hodges then instructed the class to turn their rings and tassels and the class tossed their caps into the air as they were dismissed. School Backpack Food Program To Extend Throughout Summer Months Darren Doyle, story and photos: The Chamber of Commerce Luncheon was held today at the Edmonson County Public Library, sponsored by St. John's Church, who also runs an organized thrift store and food pantry, which is available to the public. According to Barbara Fitzhugh from St. John's Church, a partnership has begun between St. John's and Brownsville Missionary Baptist Church in order to extend the Family Resource Center's Backpack program throughout the summer months. Currently, the program only runs during the school months. Mrs. Fitzhugh welcomed the crowd by introducing and thanking elected officials in attendance, Judge Executive Wil Cannon, Sheriff Shane Doyle, Magistrate Joe Durbin, Rep. Michael Lee Meredith, and Sen. Steve Meredith, for always supporting the efforts of St. John's Thrift Store and Food Pantry. T.J. Dennison, also from St. John's Church, discussed the Thrift Store and Food Pantry's contribution back to the community. Since the store's opening in 2014, the non-profit community organization has given $32,952.50 in assistance and $19,919.98 in food, according to Dennison. Brownsville Missionary Baptist Church Pastor, John Chidester, discussed the partnership between the two churches, plus other organizations. "We saw a need to extend the backpack program through the summer months and a partnership between Brownsville Missionary Baptist, St. John's, the Senior Food Pantry, and the Edmonson County Family Resource Center, it's coming together." Feeding America is the organization that oversees the backpack program, while local agencies see that the food is distributed to the proper qualifiers. A total of 122 Edmonson County children participate in the program, funded mostly through donations. It sends a bag of food home with participating students every Friday to last them throughout the weekend. Invitations were sent out to each participant for the summer extension, where 73 have signed up. Chidester said organizations and donors came together to raise $14,000 in only three weeks, which will go toward the program.
Chamber president Maegan Hance also addressed the crowd and thanked St. John's for their sponsorship of today's lunch. It was free to the public. Gary Miles with Feeding America also spoke today. The organization serves over 5,000 kids in 42 counties in KY. He said the organization delivered more than 1.5 million pounds of food in Edmonson County last year. Darren Doyle, story: The Edmonson County Sheriff's Office, Brownsville Police, and Kentucky State Police were busy in a wild night on Tuesday that resulted in multiple felony arrests and thousands of dollars in recovered stolen property. Sheriff Shane Doyle said all available law enforcement officers were called in during the hectic night that began with a domestic violence call that included a report of an intoxicated underage female and an injured victim. Sheriff Doyle said when deputies arrived at the Long Fall Road residence near Nolin Lake around 9:30pm on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, they found Samantha Burns, (20), Cub Run, who was reportedly intoxicated. Doyle said the unnamed victim had a visible injuries and Burns was arrested. She was charged with: Assault 4th degree, domestic violence injury. She was lodged in the Hart County Jail. While at the residence, the Sheriff's Office received another call of a reported drive-by shooting in Rocky Hill. Doyle said the victim reported several gunshots were fired toward the victim's home and that a white SUV with loud exhaust sped away immediately following the shots. According to authorities, officers located a vehicle with a matching description in the area and a traffic stop was initiated by Brownsville City Police, who assisted. The Sheriff's Office said that Joshua Smith, (36), of Smiths Grove, was in the vehicle along with four juveniles. During a search of the vehicle, officials said that multiple handguns were discovered along with several spent shell casings. Further investigation led to more of the exact same shell casings being found at the side of the road in front of the victim's house. Smith was arrested and charged with Wanton Endangerment-first degree and Possession of handgun by convicted felon, both of which are felony charges. He was lodged in the Hart County Jail. Incredibly, during the exact same time, an anonymous call was received by the Sheriff's Office of a potential hostage situation at a residence on Junior Prather Road, also in Rocky Hill. The Sheriff's Office and Kentucky State Police arrived at the residence where five individuals were present. The Sheriff's Office said that officers had probable cause to obtain a search warrant, which was executed on site. During the search, officers discovered a meth lab, a tank of anhydrous ammonia, multiple handguns, and various controlled substances. In addition, three commercial lawn mowers and a 24' dovetail trailer that were reported stolen out of Nelson County were discovered on the property. The following individuals were arrested:
The Sheriff's Office also said an assisting officer from the Barren County Drug Task Force was able to use information from this case to obtain a search warrant for another property belonging to Chapman in Barren County. Officials said multiple related arrests were also made in Barren County where two stolen vehicles and a stolen box trailer was also discovered.
More than $40,000 worth of stolen property was recovered in Edmonson County alone. All three calls came within minutes of one another. Sheriff Shane Doyle said he was thankful for all the officers coming together at once during a chaotic time in situations that had the sheriff, deputies, and multiple agencies moving from scene-to-scene. "I can't say it enough. I know I'm always proud of our office and how we try to go about our business, but I'm so grateful to also be able to rely on our other local and area agencies," he said. "Thanks to a great working relationship with Brownsville City Police, the Kentucky State Police, and our friends in Barren and surrounding counties, we always seem to be able to come together. I was able to reach our friends in Nelson County about this stolen property while we were all still on scene. You don't find this in every county and I'm very thankful for that." Doyle also credited his own staff for their effort, including some off-duty officers. "We called in two deputies that were not supposed to be on duty," he said. "They dropped what they were doing and immediately joined us at the meth lab. I'm really proud of everyone who worked these cases." Doyle said more charges are pending. The Rocky Hill incidents are not suspected to be related. *The Michelle Martin and Matthew Martin listed in this article are not the Michele Lea Martin age 46, and Matthew Martin age 22, of Bert Davis Road. Not sure whether you'll make the graduation this Saturday? Enjoy these photos of all ECHS graduates with their names, courtesy of Edmonson County High School. The 2018 ECHS graduation ceremony is scheduled to take place Saturday, May 19th at 2pm in the Edmonson County High School gym. Abby Alexander, Raven Altstratt, Jonathan Belcher Brett Brannon, Cicelie Brewster, Andrew Brooks Clay Browning, Brianna Bryant, Michael Bryington Janell Camarillo, Brayden Carey, Leaha Carter Mason Cast, Tyler Cherry, Keaton Clark Nate Cole, Tucker Cole, Cierra Collins Kaitlin Collins, Dylan Compton, Allie Cramer Amber Davidson, Kimberly Davis, Caitlyn Dennison Morgan Doyle, Santana Dugan, Wesley Duvall Chase Elkins, Dylan Elmore, Zach Farmer Adams Foulks, Preston Fugate, Keith Fuller Paige Glass, Mariah Goodman, Tesa Gregory Austin Harris, Nathan Haycraft, Dustin Hayes Hannah Hogan, Rob Hogan, Kaytlin Hyde Shelby Johnson, Xavian Johnson, Chandler Jones Kennith Jones, Chris Keith, Sierra Kenney Miranda Kennon, Savannah Kinsey, Deidre Lawler Cody Lee, Skylar Lewis, Emma Lindsey Logan Lindsey, Mikayla Lindsey, Rachel Lindsey Ryan Lindsey, Kailie Love, Peyton Martin Alex Martinez, Victoria Maxwell, Savannah McGlothin Jesse McGrew, Connor Meredith, John Mills Sarah Mills, Hanna Minton, Logan Minton Kyle Monroe, Kaleb Morgan, Nikki Mount Tyler Mullenhour, Jacob Murray, Brittany Nichols Kaylee Parsons, Jacob Pate, Suhani Patel Dylan Phelps, Gary Porter, John Potter Matt Reynolds, Adam Rich, Bobby Roof Andrew Ruth, Keaton Saling, Sydney Sawyer Isaac Schultz, Dalton Sherouse, Caitlin Simon Shasta Smith, Jesse Stewart, Samantha Stewart Abby Stice, Shelby Suttle, Haley Tarter Tesa Tennison, Vivian Thomas, Keaton Thompson Tommy Thornell, Lauren Tyree, Caleb Vincent Cameron Vincent, Chris Vincent, Dylan Vincent John Thomas Vincent, Katie Vincent, Rachel Vincent Zach Vincent, Nadja Wade, Megan Wagoner Brianna Webb, Megan Wells, Tyler Wells Emily Whobery, Moses Wilson, Tanner Wisdom Lucas Wood, Kaelynn Woodcock, Shalane Woosley Alexis Young
One Woman Transported To Hospital Then To Jail Darren Doyle, story: Moriah Peterson, photos: A two vehicle accident resulted in the driver of one vehicle being taken to the hospital then to jail as a result of DUI charges around 11:30pm on Sunday night. According to the Edmonson County Sheriff's Office, Lindsay Hart, (29) of Leitchfield was headed north on KY HWY 259N when she said she swerved to avoid a dog. Her 2011 Hyundai Sonata then traveled into the oncoming lane of traffic where it collided with another vehicle. The Sheriff's Office reported that Mr. Jalen Ross, (19), Falls of Rough, was headed south in the opposite lane in a 2015 Chevy Cruze and tried to avoid the oncoming car but was unable to do so. Upon the collision, both vehicles spun 180 degrees where they came to rest on the shoulders of the road. The Sheriff's Office said first responders smelled a strong odor of alcohol coming from Hart's vehicle. Further investigation showed that she was driving on a suspended license from a previous DUI that occurred within the last few months, according to law enforcement. The Sheriff's office said that Hart admitted to drinking and a blood test was performed at the hospital. She was arrested and charged with Driving on DUI suspended license (first offense) and Operating motor vehicle under influence of alcohol (aggravated circumstance). She was transported to the hospital where she was treated and released, then transported to the Hart County Jail. Officials said Mr. Ross refused medical treatment at the scene. Also responding were the Brownsville and Kyrock Fire Departments. *updated on 5/15/18 at 12:13pm. An earlier version of this story said a field sobriety test was performed but that was corrected to a blood test taken at the hospital.
Closed Session At Fiscal Court Results In Proceeding With Lawsuit, Termination of Treasurer5/14/2018
Darren Doyle, story and photo: The county voted in a closed session to pursue a civil lawsuit against The Fortress Group dba Park Mammoth Resort for unpaid room and recreational taxes owed to Edmonson County fiscal court, according to Judge Executive Wil Cannon. The subject of back taxes owed by the group to fiscal court was first discussed in November of 2015 when the business owed more than $92,000 to the county, dating back to 2010. A payment plan was set up and agreed upon by both the county and Park Mammoth, but according to Cannon, the group has failed to stay up to date on their payments. In a phone call, Cannon said the group owes somewhere around $80,000 in back taxes, including a March 2018 payment of $5,000 that was returned for insufficient funds. Room Taxes are paid by county entities that offer lodging services. That money goes to Edmonson County Tourism. Recreational Taxes are paid to the county by business that offer recreational opportunities, such as golf, horseback riding, canoeing, off-road trails, etc., which goes to Edmonson County Parks and Rec. Judge Cannon did not disclose the discussion that took place in the closed meeting, just that the fiscal court voted to move forward with legal action. A request for comment from The Fortress Group was not immediately returned as owners said they wanted to discuss the situation before commenting. They said they had not been notified of the fiscal court's decision. We will have updates as comments and other information about the suit become available. In the closed session, the court also voted to terminate the employment of the County Treasurer, Margret Page. No information was available due to the discussion being held in closed session; however, today's fiscal court agenda that was made available to the public listed item "BB." which said "Personnel Issues/Audit Findings." Judge Cannon said those audit findings are currently not available to the public and he was unsure if the information would be made public. Mrs. Page has been an employee of the county for several years, dating back to the N.E. Reed administration. During the fiscal court meeting of May 14, 2018 Judge Wil Cannon declared the month of May as Older Americans Month. Below is a copy of the proclamation Judge Cannon released to the Edmonson Voice.
Darren Doyle, story and photo: Several reports were heard and voted upon at today's fiscal court meeting in the upstairs courtroom of the Edmonson County Courthouse. County Road Foreman Ray Page reported that his crews had been working on blacktop projects with completing current work schedules in two different districts. He also said road tile work is in preparation, specifically for Beaver Dam Church Road, which will consist of oversized tiles. Crews will wait until school is dismissed for the summer to help with traffic issues. In addition, he reported the new department wrecker is being used as he said the investment made by the county will pay off greatly. Sheriff Shane Doyle reported that lake patrol had begun in the Nolin area for the summer season. Nolin Lake pays the Sheriff's office overtime fees for the limited deputies that work extra hours in the area. He also said that the county inmate list could soon likely increase after last week's Grand Jury, which could result in new arrest warrants being served. Doyle also discussed a surplus in his equipment budget that is funded by drug seizure money. He said that because Edmonson County is no longer part of the Drug Task Force, they no longer have to turn seizures over to be shared and that it stays in Edmonson County. Although handling of this money doesn't require approval by fiscal court, he asked the court for their opinion on how he spent the money, which is somewhere around $50,000. The money must be used only for equipment, training, and programs which invests seized money back into the local fight on drugs. He said it cannot be used for salary purposes. He proposed purchasing a new patrol vehicle and computer/printer equipment for all patrol vehicles. He said being able to have computer and printing technology inside their vehicles will assist them in being more cost and time efficient. After a short discussion with Magistrate Joe Durbin, who argued that the school resource officer didn't need a new vehicle because he was in one spot throughout the day, Sheriff Doyle described school resource officer Jeff Brooks' duties. Sheriff Doyle said that Brooks also patrols the property, other schools, and other areas. He added that Brooks was also the Chief Deputy and that his seniority was another reason for his vehicle. Doyle also said Brooks' car was one of the first things noticed when arriving at the high school and professionalism was important to his office. He said he didn't want a broken down patrol car with a bumper hanging off as the first thing you see at ECHS, which is what they would have if not for the recent vehicle purchases. Doyle also said Brooks patrols other places in the summer, when school is out. The general consensus from the court was that it was a fund managed by the sheriff's office and that the sheriff should spend funds how he sees fit. Doyle said he just wanted the court and the public to know how he tries to operate the office from the administrative part as well as enforcement of the law. Doyle said the purchases would be no additional costs from fiscal court or taxpayers. Deputy Jailer Todd Vincent reported 21 total county inmates housed at Hart County Jail with one on home incarceration.
The court also approved the following:
The court went into closed session to discuss possible legal action. Edmonson District Court was held on Tuesday May 8th. The Honorable John M. McCarty Presiding Eric A Medina, Speeding 25 mph over limit. Amend to reckless driving, pleaded guilty. $50 fine. Failure to provide insurance card. Proof shown, dismissed. Sandi Rene Weber, Operating on suspended/ revoked operator’s license. Dimissed Callie Marie Lesch, Possession of Marijuana. Pre-trial Diversion. Drug paraphernalia- buy/possess. Pre-trial Diversion. Timothy M, Roof, No/expired registration plates. Proof shown, dismissed. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt. Proof shown, dismissed. John Robert Meredith, Speeding 18 mph over limit. State traffic school. Improper registration plate. Dismissed. Cody JB Whitman, Disorderly conduct 2nd degree. Pleaded guilty. $100 fine. Alcohol intoxication in a public place- 1st and 2nd offense. Pleaded guilty. $20 fine. Concurrent.
Gabriella L Hart, Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Failure to surrender revoked operator’s license. Pleaded not guilty to both. Pre-trial conference 6/5/2018. Nicole Ashley Frederico, Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Continue May 22, 2018. Stephen Jacob Nealy, Speeding 20mph over limit. Pleaded not guilty. $20 fine plus cost. Lavonna E Moulder, Speeding 25mph over limit, amend to 15 mph over. Pleaded guilty. State traffic school. Harith H Alrahbi, Jr., Speeding 12mph over limit. Failure to notify address change to Department of Transportation. Failed to appear. George William Payne Jr, Operating motor vehicle under/influence of alcohol/drugs. 1st offense. Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Pleaded not guilty to both. Pre-trial conference 8/14/18. Failure of owner to maintain required insurance /security 1st. Proof shown. Robert Hack, Operating on suspended/revoked operator’s license. Display/possession of cancelled/fictitious operator’s license. Failed to appear. $250 bench warrant issued. Jordan Renee Vanmeter, One headlight. No/expired Kentucky registration receipt. No/expired registration plates. Continue 5/22/18 Oswaldo A Quiroz, Speeding 24mph over limit. Failed to appear. Adam G Vogt, Possession of Marijuana. Continue 2 weeks. Trailer Likely Kept Car From Hitting Gas Pumps Or Bystanders, According To Police Edmonson Voice Staff Report: A Smiths Grove woman was injured in a crash on Monday night when her vehicle collided with a parked semi trailer in the Minit Mart parking lot in Brownsville. According to the Brownsville Police Department, Linda Band, (68) of Smiths Grove was headed north on Main Street (KY 259) when her 2011 Buick left the roadway and traveled along the sidewalk in front of the Green River Apartments. Police said the vehicle continued on the sidewalk in front of the Wildcat Car Wash, crossed Wildcat Way, crashed through the Minit Mart fence, and collided with a parked semi trailer in the parking lot. Officials said Band possibly suffered a medical episode which caused her to lose control of her car. No alcohol or drugs were suspected in any way, according to Brownsville Police. She was transported to Greenview Hospital for non-life threatening injuries.
Police said it appeared that the car slammed into the trailer's tires at around 40mph. Band was reportedly wearing her seat belt and airbags were deployed. Brownsville PD said the situation could've likely been worse had the trailer not been there, as the car was headed toward gas pumps and store customers. Also assisting at the scene was the Brownsville Fire Department and District 2 Constable. Single Vehicle Rollover Results in Fatality Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
A Park City woman has died as a result of injuries sustained in a rollover accident today in Rocky Hill, according to a press release from the Kentucky State Police. KSP responded to a single vehicle injury collision today at 2:42 PM that had occurred northbound on US-31W (Louisville Road) near the intersection of KY 259, in Edmonson County. Authorities said that that Kiami C. Mills (25) of Park City was operating a 2000 Chevrolet pickup and headed northbound on Louisville Road when her vehicle exited the right shoulder of the roadway. Upon exiting the roadway, Mills’ vehicle rolled multiple times before coming to final rest, according to KSP. KSP said that Mills was not wearing a seatbelt and was ejected from the vehicle which caused her severe injury. She was transported from the scene by Edmonson EMS and taken to the Medical Center Hospital in Bowling Green . Kiami Mills succumbed to her injuries at the Medical Center Hospital at approximately 3:30 PM. She was pronounced deceased by the Warren County Coroner's Office. The investigation is still ongoing and being conducted by Trooper Michael Murray. He was assisted on scene by Rocky Hill Fire Department , Edmonson County EMS, and Warren and Edmonson County Coroners. Darren Doyle, story: photos courtesy of ECHS Baseball
The Edmonson County High School baseball field was vandalized over the weekend and a reward is being offered for someone that helps find who's responsible. ECHS Head Coach Bo West said that sometime before daylight Saturday, someone broke a latch off the fence to gain entrance to the field, which is located behind the EC 5/6 Center. Vandals also spray painted profanity on the concrete surface near the concession area and the window to the concession stand was busted. Booster clubs often struggle to maintain equipment and facilities necessary for their individual sports or activities, and nearly 100% of effort used to support them is parent or other volunteer work, in addition to the countless hours coaches put in off the fields. Brownsville Police is currently investigating but they have no suspects. Coach West said there are cameras inside the concession stand but they were not able to capture anyone from the outside in the video frame. Local volunteers have pitched in and are offering a $1000 reward on behalf of the baseball team for information leading to the arrest and conviction to the vandal(s) responsible for the damage. If you have any information in relation to this incident, you are asked to contact Brownsville Police at 270-597-3814. |
September 2024