Barbara Johnson, EC Conservation District, story and photos On Thursday, April 14, 2016, the Edmonson County Conservation District and the Kentucky Division of Forestry visited with Kyrock and South Edmonson Elementary Schools. Forester Tammy Rogers, and Ranger Chris Scott spoke with the students about the importance of trees in our environment. Each student at both schools received an oak seedling to plant, for a total of 900 seedlings in all. On Friday April 15th, the giveaway continued at the Conservation District Office, and over 600 pecan, persimmon, redbud, white oak and willow oak seedlings were handed out. The office had only ordered 300 seedlings, but Forester Tammy Rogers and the Kentucky Division of Forestry gifted the people of Edmonson County with 300 more trees. All trees were given away, and we would like to thank everyone who came out to get trees, our volunteers, The Kentucky Division of Forestry, and the Edmonson County Fiscal Court.
Special thanks to all volunteers: Cheryl Thompson, Orville Johnson, and Lynda Prather, ECCD Supervisors assisting were: Ronell Alford, Wayne Thompson, Danny Vincent and Jimmie Luttrell and Admin Secretary Barbara Johnson, and Kentucky Division of Forestry Staff: Regional Forester Tammy Rogers, Ranger for Edmonson County Chris Scott. Comments are closed.
February 2025