Darren Doyle, story The Edmonson County Fiscal Court dissolved their current Animal Shelter/Dog Warden Contract with Greg and Kim Carroll at today's meeting, which you can read by clicking here. In other fiscal court business, Edd Rich reminded the court that the county had voted against the use of flashing or oscillating blue lights on constable vehicles. Mag. Rich said he saw Constable Tim Skees' car with blue and red lights installed and working on his car. He pointed out that laws were laws and they need to be enforced. Sheriff Shane Doyle was asked if he had recently seen any blue lights on constable vehicles, and his thoughts on the matter if any constable has flashing blue lights, to which he replied. "You have the letter of the law and you have the intent of the law. We as a department have always sought to enforce the intent of the law, or what those who passed the laws intended those laws to mean." He said that he has seen lights on a constable's car that when activated, shine solid blue but don't flash or oscillate. He said the solid lights or a flashing red light may not violate the written law, but it's possible that it violates the intent of the law. There was a discussion on the possibility of raising the bond amount for all constables. The current bond for an Edmonson County Constable is $10,000. The Edmonson Voice contacted Constable Tim Skees, who was not present at today's meeting. In a written statement, Constable Skees said: KRS states "flashing, rotating or oscillating blue lights are prohibited." I use only lights which are allowed to the letter of the law. My lights may be blue, yes, but do not flash, oscillate, or rotate, therefore are no more illegal that the ice blue headlights or blue lights everyday persons use on trucks and cars seen every day on roads. The law states shall not be equipped with "flashing, oscillating or rotating blue lights." My view would be "Why is Mr. Rich so against the law, and those who are elected to represent it by the people?" I have the same authority and jurisdiction as any other Edmonson Co law official. Our special deputies which are also not Richmond certified, run blue lights every day, and perform traffic stops and peace officer duties. The exception is they are furnished county vehicles, county tags, county blue lights, and county radio privileges. I work for free, just as the special deputies all do. Only difference between myself and special deputies , is that the people elected me, and special deputies are appointed. I have full support as a peace officer from every county law enforcement officer in the county. However, Magistrate Rich chooses to ignore their judgement and issue his personal thoughts. I pay to serve the people of Edmonson county out of my pocket with zero support of magistrates. If they can justify their stance to the public, I'd like to see that. Judge Cannon said the matter would be discussed further after some research. He also said that a decision for raising the bond would be made at the next meeting. In other Fiscal Court business:
Road Report: Road Foreman Ray Page reported his crew had been busy with various blacktopping jobs throughout the county, mowing crews were working on county right of ways, and new 35mph signs had been posted on Oak Hill Road. Sheriff Report: Sheriff Doyle reported on two different serious accidents in as many days. He also spoke of a rash of burglaries around Cave Hollow Bay, and that his office is investigating a suspect. He also reported that several DUI arrests were made during recent traffic safety checkpoints, which we will have in an upcoming report. Parks and Rec: Program administrator Greg Hudson said that little league baseball is in process of finishing this week and All Star season will begin soon. He announced some of the details for the upcoming Freedom Festival and said that the parks are planning on offering a soccer program for this fall. County Attorney Annual Report: J.B. Hines said that the state requires his office to give an annual report. In the report he described the source of office funds which were: 1. County Attorney traffic school ($3K). 2. Cold check account-fees ($4k) 3. Delinquent tax fees (over $51K) He said the total expenses were around $49K, for the past fiscal year. He said the upcoming year will be increase with the addition of hiring an asst. county attorney to help with delinquent tax collection. New Business: The court opened sealed bids for county road materials from Scotty’s Construction, Caneyville Crushed Stone, Asphalt Materials & Co, Bluegrass Materials, and Park City Stone. Judge Wil Cannon said it was standard practice to accept all bids if it benefits the county. The court also: Reappointed Yvonne Campbell to serve on Aging Committee. Reappointed Mike Stoyonovich as a citizen member to BRADD. Radio System Finance Approval: Radio System Approval: $115,000.00, paid over 5 years, as per agreement between Edmonson County, KACO, and Magnolia Bank. Property Donation To County: Judge Cannon said that Mr. Robert Vincent wanted to donate a half acre piece of property off KY HWY 728 to the county, however; the Judge said the county accepting the donation would not be beneficial. He said the county would have no use for the property but would have to maintain it, or incur expense to sell it. He said the best way for the property to benefit the county would be for it to remain in private hands so property taxes could be paid on it. "It's a very generous offer from Mr. Vincent, who doesn't live in the county, but I think it would be better if it remained in private ownership." Magistrate Edd Rich suggested that the court wait on a decision until magistrates had a chance to inspect the property, to which the Judge agreed. The meeting was adjourned and after a short recess, attendees reassembled for the purpose of discussion on the animal shelter situation.
tim skees - Constable
6/13/2016 09:18:40 pm
I have a few words for those on fiscal court whom would like to jack up constables bonds to knock them out of office by requiring a bond which they cannot afford or find, just to knock them from office.
kara dearing
6/14/2016 02:25:36 am
Tim skees has proved yet again that he is dedicated to HELPING this county! If everyone was as dedicated to HELPING edmonson county like tim skees than maybe our county would be known for something other than a bunch of meth heads. I don't understand why this Magistrate has such a problem with someone that is so willing to help our County that he is willing to do it for free. would they do their jobs for free? I think not. So instead of fussing about the color of lights on his car or if they blink or not how about we focus on more important matters shall we? And furthermore if someone is so into helping our County let them, maybe that way we can get some of the rotten apples out
Tim Skees
6/14/2016 02:29:14 am
Okay, this "bond" they want to jack up for one reason. Simply to force us constables out of office.
6/14/2016 04:10:43 pm
No emergency vehicle, public safety vehicle, or any other vehicle covered by KRS
6/14/2016 04:34:48 pm
You can not pull over people in the state KY.using a RED flashing light they can only be used for courtesy and/or right of way.
Dist. 2 Constable
6/15/2016 12:24:19 am
6/15/2016 03:19:17 pm
Just because magistrates don't support you having blue lights does not mean they are against their community that voted them in...They are trying to support us working people!! On the issue you said is a grey area the fiscal court has full authority in not allowing any constable to have blue lights.
Dist. 2 Constable Office
6/16/2016 11:53:51 am
The issue is not the lights, the underlying issue is, fiscal court wants to abolish Constables.
6/16/2016 01:58:30 pm
I am a resident of Bee Spring for over 25 years and a life long native to Edmonson County. I do not know Mr. Skees and I commend him for his voluntary service to our county. I have had, and continue to have friends and relatives whom have served in law enforcement, volunteer fire depts. and the rescue squad. This is very admirable by Mr. Skees and I thank him for his service. But I am also married to my wife for over 35 years and I have watched she and her family suffer agony because a sherriff and his deputies gunned down her brother and shot her father twice just outside their kitchen door in 1978. Her family won a judgement for over a million dollars but never collected a penny. The right to carry and use firearms to uphold our laws is a very serious responsibility and should never be entrusted to anyone without forethought and never ending and exten sive training. I support my magistrate whole heartily in this matter and hope he continues to hold what is in the best interest of the public foremost,
Dist. 2 Constable Office
6/18/2016 05:59:50 pm
My heartfelt condolences go out to those in your family whom were affected by this.
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