MAMMOTH CAVE, Ky., December 19, 2017 – Visitor services in Mammoth Cave National Park will not be available on December 25, 2017. Cave tours, the visitor center, offices, the ferry, and the Lodge at Mammoth Cave will be closed.
The visitor center will close at 2:00 p.m. on December 24, and reopen at 8:30 a.m. on December 26. Cave tours will operate on a limited schedule on December 24. No tours will be offered on December 25. The regular cave tour schedule will resume on December 26. Green River Ferry will be closed on December 25. The Lodge at Mammoth Cave will close at 1:00 p.m. on December 24, and reopen at 8:00 a.m. on December 26. ![]() by Beth Cook: Mammoth Cave Transplants It’s Christmas time, and what flower do we associate Christmas with?? Poinsettias!!! They add just that extra touch to your Christmas decor but, how do you take care of them to keep them looking good during the holiday season? These plants are very finicky and require specific needs in order to maintain those magnificent blooms. With the correct care, they should maintain their beauty through Christmas and weeks after. Poinsettia care begins with proper lighting, water, and temperature. While they are in bloom they enjoy semi cool, humid locations that have indirect lighting. It is very important not to expose them below 50° F. Indoor temperatures between 65°-70°F are ideal for long plant life. Placing the plant in a room a few degrees cooler at night will extend the color show of your poinsettia. Keep the plant away from warm or cold drafts this will cause leaves to drop. Poinsettias need to be watered thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch. Be sure they have proper drainage to ensure they won’t drown. Avoid letting them sit in water filled saucers. After watering empty the pot’s saucer and be sure to punch holes in the decorative foil to drain. Do not overwater. It is the #1 killer of poinsettias, as it leads to root rot. Poinsettias also like indirect lighting. Six hours of indirect sunlight is ideal. Humidity also plays a vital part in the care of poinsettias. Adding plants nearby can help increase humidity levels in dry rooms, as well as humidifiers.
Fertilizing poinsettias while they are in bloom is not recommended. Only fertilize after the holiday season if you plan on keeping them through the next year. Once the final bloom bracts fall off and if you plan to keep them, decrease watering to allow the plant to dry out some. Don’t let it dry out completely though. Relocate the poinsettia to a cool, dark area until spring. Apply fertilizer about once a month using a complete houseplant fertilizer. If proper conditions are given, it should begin to regrow and you can enjoy it for another holiday season. From all of us at Mammoth Cave Transplants, we want to wish everyone a very Blessed, Safe, and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Thank You for your business this year and we look forward to seeing you in 2018! Troopers Make New Local Friends During Christmas Event Edmonson Voice Staff Report: Edmonson County has always supported the local "Cram the Cruiser" drives that are hosted by the Kentucky State Police and other local law enforcement agencies, but the drives are not just held for school supply needs. The campaign also serves to help fund the annual "Shop With A Trooper" event, also known as "SWAT," which allows local kids to team up with KSP for a unique shopping experience. The shopping trip was held on Thursday night at Meijer retail store in Bowling Green. Local trooper and KSP Public Affairs Officer Jeremy Hodges spoke with us about the annual event. “This was the most successful event we’ve ever had," said Hodges. "Thirty-four children received toys and clothing free of charge, and their families received gift baskets from Meijer, as well as baked ham and canned goods for a Christmas dinner which were donated by volunteers through our Cram the Cruiser campaign." Hodges said that through the everyday interactions with children, troopers and other law enforcement officers meet some unique kids that deserve an extra friend, especially around the holidays. "Every child deserves a Christmas, and SWAT allows those children the chance that may not have the normal opportunities to enjoy the Christmas holiday," he said. "It also gives them an opportunity to see that Troopers have a heart behind their badge, and absolutely everyone leaves happy at SWAT.” “This is a testament to our communities, with sponsors, donations, and volunteers," added Hodges. "We can't do these things without all the wonderful volunteers. We'd also like to thank Fish and Wildlife Officers, Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, and the Child Advocacy Center, as well as the great staff at Meijer and Chic-fil-A.”
South Edmonson Staff, Students Give Emotional Farewell Tribute To Principal Jamie Woosley12/15/2017 Darren Doyle, story and photos: South Edmonson Elementary staff and students gave an emotional goodbye ceremony to departing Principal Jamie Woosley this morning at the school. The ceremony was a surprise to Woosley, who will finish out his five year stay at SEES next week before joining the Warren County Board of Education central office as his new school, Jennings Creek Elementary, finishes construction. Woosley has accepted the principal position at the new school which is closer to his own home and family. The ceremony featured a customized song from Mrs. Jessica Doyle's music students, dancing from the students, and the school and PTO presented Woosley with handcrafted gifts, one of which Woosley said would be the first item hung in his new office.
A video was shown with students from all ages describing Mr. Woosley. The responses ranged from "he smells good," to "he's the best principal ever," "he has a mean face," and "I love him." Woosley fought back emotion with his wife, Amy who was in attendance along with one of their sons. "I don't often run out of words to say, and our teachers know that," Woosley said. "But I'm speechless today. I was not expecting this. Six years ago, or 5 and a half, I didn't know you, you didn't know me: teachers, students, and parents. The last six years have changed that a lot. It truly feels like we're all a big family." Woosley also thanked everyone in the gym, including his wife and family for the support he's received during his stay at SEES. "I truly appreciate all of this, it means so much, but South Edmonson is where it is today not because of me. It makes it easy when you have kids like we have. It makes it easy when you have parents like we have. Anything we ask, you provide. The teachers in this room? This staff is second to none, and I've seen some pretty good staffs. I'm very humbled by this and I thank you so much." Students and staff shared both tears and laughs at the ceremony as they reflected back on Woosley's time at SEES. They also enjoyed reminding Woosley of the times when he kissed a pig, became a human ice cream sundae, and was duct taped to a wall while receiving multiple pies in the face, all of which were incentives for students to succeed. Mr. Woosley began his career as an educator in 1998 when he joined Warren County Public Schools as a teacher at Greenwood High School. He spent more than a decade in the classroom before transitioning to administration in 2008 as the assistant principal of Rich Pond Elementary. He was named principal of South Edmonson Elementary School four years later in 2012. He said next week will be his final work week at SEES before he turns things over to newly named Principal Josh Long , who is set to take over upon Woosley's departure. Brownsville resident Kenny Stewart is reaching out to the public on behalf of his friend, James Lloyd Meredith and his family. Stewart said that Meredith has recently returned home after a six week hospital stay. According to Stewart, Meredith has battled diabetes, cancer, and is now on dialysis since his kidneys have failed.
"I guess we've been friends for 50 years," said Stewart. "James has been on the fire department, the ambulance service, and he's touched lots of lives with the gospel groups he sung with over the years." Stewart said that Meredith's outlook isn't very positive and he and his wife, Sandy could use a helping hand. If you wish to make a donation to the family, you can mail it directly to their home at: James Lloyd and Sandy Meredith 28 Cedar Grove Church Road Bee Spring, KY 42207 270-597-6507 (Sandy) 270-597-7331 (James) Stewart said you don't have to make a donation only to help, as cards or words of encouragement are welcome. He also said he would be happy to answer any questions anyone may have by calling him at 270-246-2888. Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
The Edmonson County Board of Education held its January meeting at South Edmonson Elementary on Monday, December 11, 2017. Board members recognized fourth grade South Edmonson students who scored "Distinguished" in reading and math on their last year's K-Prep assessment. Mr. Jamie Woosley, SEES principal, and the board presented framed certificates to: (Left to Right) Zoey Richmond, Evelyn Ulm, Ava Morrison, Bryson Anderson, Alexander Evans, Preston Doyle, and Luke Richards. Not pictured is Jaxon Minton. Edmonson Voice Staff Report:
Girl Scout Troop #313 recently held a food drive in conjunction with the Edmonson County School District's food backpack program. "We would like to thank everyone for the generous support and donations received for their annual food drive that helps supplement the Children's Backpack Program (sponsored by Feeding America) which supplies food to kids in need," said the girl scouts in a statement. 100% of these donations stay in Edmonson County. Darren Doyle, story:
Edmonson County High School has been named one of the nation’s 255 state finalists in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow Contest, a program that encourages students to solve real-world issues in their community using classroom skills in science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM). Students in Mrs. Nikki Culbreth’s classes and her FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) club were chosen based on their proposal to use STEAM skills for providing opportunities to the disabled and elderly citizens of Edmonson County, by way of allowing them to continue gardening and staying physically active. To tackle this project, students will use STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) skills to design and construct handicap accessible planting tables, as well as providing assistance and instruction in planting or use of the tables. "We are so thrilled to be selected as a state finalist in the @SamsungUS Solve for Tomorrow contest," said Mrs. Culbreth. "This is an excellent way for our students to share the knowledge and STEAM skills they've gained across all curriculum here at ECHS and use it for the betterment of the citizens of Edmonson County." Mrs. Culbreth said that their proposal's objective is to enable the elderly and handicap population to plant, cultivate, and harvest their own plants in an environment that is safe and accessible. ECHS students will use ChromeBooks to design the drafting tables. Students will work with various clubs, teachers, and other volunteers to construct the planter boxes using reclaimed and recycled materials. The planter boxes will be delivered and the students will work in collaboration with the recipient to prepare and plant the crops. The students will then accept applications from hopeful recipients through the media and community agencies for the planter boxes. As one of five state finalists in Kentucky, Mrs. Culbreth will win a Samsung Chromebook® to use in her classroom,according to a statement from Samsung. ECHS will now have the opportunity to advance in the competition for additional classroom technology prizes. If named the Kentucky State Winner in December, Edmonson County High School will receive a $25,000 Samsung technology package. Your Donation Can Provide A Needy Local Family With A Christmas Dinner It's time for Cee Bee Food Store's annual Angel Tree Christmas Dinner Food Drive. For only $35, you can help a needy Edmonson County family enjoy a Christmas dinner basket, hand-delivered to families and the elderly just a few days before Christmas.
Just stop by the store anytime during business hours, remove an angel from the tree and pay at the register. You can even sign the angel which will be included in the delivered basket. The meal will include turkey, dressing, potatoes, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, rolls, and pie. Terry and Deidre Day of Cub Run announce the engagement and forthcoming wedding of their daughter, Kelsey Hannah Day, to Daniel Ross Highbaugh, son of Terry and Lerica Highbaugh of Lincoln.
The bride-to-be is a 2015 graduate of Hart County High School. She is currently a student at Western Kentucky University where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree with dual certification in Elementary and Special Education. She is employed as a substitute teacher as well as a tutor for special needs children. The prospective groom is a 2013 graduate of Edmonson County High School. He is employed as a maintenance technician for Western Kentucky University. He also serves as a volunteer firefighter for the Kyrock fire station. The wedding ceremony is scheduled for 3:00pm CST, Saturday, December 16, 2017 at Macedonia United Baptist Church in Cub Run, Kentucky. A reception will follow at Munfordville United Methodist Church in Munfordville, Kentucky. All family and friends are invited to attend. The following letter of Thanks was submitted on behalf of the Sonja Napier Family: ![]() We, the family of Sonja Napier want to take this time to thank each and every person that was there for us in the time of Mom's passing. We know that this thank you is late and we are sorry about that, as it's been a rough two months and time has gotten away from us. We want to thank each person that called, texted, came by, visited the funeral home, sent food, offered to watch the kids, and those that prayed and that are still praying for us. There are not enough words to express how we could feel the overwhelming love from each of you. When the days come that we think we can’t go on, we feel the prayers that are still being sent up on our behalf. We want to thank Patton Funeral Home, Chalybeate Church for the singing and meal, Juanita Minton, Andrea Brantley, and Laney Meredith for singing at the funeral, it was beautiful. Thank you to Brother Steve Doyle for the wonderful preaching that the Lord allowed. We know that it was a hard task, considering your friendship with Mom. We want to thank each pallbearer that was there and let you all know that we love each one of you. Each of you held a special place in Mom's heart. A special thanks to Brother Richard and Juanita Minton, Paul Blanton, and Derek and Brittany Sowders for being at the hospital the day Mom passed. Without you all there I don’t know that we would have survived. We love each and everyone one of you and we are truly grateful and overwhelmed with all the love and support we have been shown. Please continue to remember us in prayer. Sincerely, The Sonja Napier Family |
February 2025