Designed To Help Families Where Grandparents, Siblings, Others Are Raising Children In Edmonson County Darren Doyle, story:
Edmonson County Family Resources Center along with Community Education and the Edmonson County Health Department will host a first-of-its-kind program designed to help families in unique situations where grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles, etc. are raising children in Edmonson County that are not their own. Children live with another guardian other than their parents for a number of different reasons and this unique situation can often bring extra hardships and challenges for those acting as parents, according to Family Resources Center Coordinator Alicia Edwards "So many are thrown into situations without any help or guidance," she said. "It can be overwhelming in so many ways. This program is to address and educate these new guardians on a wide range of subjects that can give help." Sheriff Shane Doyle said there are dozens of homes in the county where this situation occurs. These examples range anywhere from a 70 year old grandmother raising a 10 year old child to a twenty-something sister raising their young teen brother. "You've got a grandmother here who doesn't own a computer, doesn't know the first thing about social media, and now they're supposed to raise a young grandchild who has a computer assignment at school or wants to use a smart device," he said. "Some of these new guardians don't even know where to begin. You that have already raised children to adulthood, think about doing it all over again, except this time with a completely new generation." Mrs. Edwards said the presentation that is scheduled for October 24, 2017 from 5:30pm-7:00pm at the public library is designed to bring help in several ways, but perhaps the most important aspect is to let new guardians know that many others are also in the same situation. "We want you to know that you're not alone. Sometimes it feels that way to so many and there's just no one to talk to, but that's not the case. We want to show you there is support and help and that there are others you can lean on." Edwards said the program will provide dinner and free child care. She also said your child doesn't have to be of school age and there is also information available to those raising newborns. Social media education, information about the school system, and the collaboration of support will be discussed at the free program. Although not required, Mrs. Edwards said that calling ahead will be helpful in order to have to correct amount of food provided, but all grandparents, relatives, and friends raising someone else's child is welcome to come. Call Mrs. Edwards at the FRC office, 270-597-9866 to reserve your spot. In addition to Mrs. Edwards and the FRC, Lisa Whobrey with Community Education, and Debbie Cain with the Barren River Health District, Meredith West from Lifeskills and Sharon Brooks from the EC 5/6 FRC are also part of the coordination of this free event. Comments are closed.
February 2025